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Civil War Variety,1st Time Finds From The Field Of Dreams!

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Great post!

I totally relate to what you are saying about going over and over the same area and getting the trinkets hiding among the iron and foil. I may be out for 2 hours and get nothing good at all and then pull a cool old button out. I attribute it to being new to detecting in general, new machine, and tough targets. In fact many of the good items I find start out as sketchy signals that hint at a relic. And most of the finds I am getting are all within 10 or 15 feet of each other in one area. I am planning to go over it several more times, learning the ground, seeing what the detector likes, etc. 

Cool finds. 

My older daughter wanted to see me detect so we went out to the front lawn and searched for 30 mins or so and she found an old maybe 1800s lock plate. She was thrilled. And I had been over that area many times and that is the oldest thing I have found on my lawn. 


I am starting to think that no area is ever truly searched out. 







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If enough nails,iron,hot ground are about its impossible to hunt out and in this area every swing is blanket signals so ,sweep speed, direction,program many factors lead to pulling good stuff out the same general area for hours at a time and I've been over and over and over same ground! I dont grid I just sweep,dig and wonder letting the detector lead me lol put the deus in pitch audio and it's almost unbearable pop pop pop pop pop every damn swing! 

    Also the original fella I got permission from first words when I asked were "go right ahead,its been hunted for 40 years probly wont find anything!" Also a college in the 90's was there doing something! I have only saw 1 other person there one time and they dug junk and left. This place is tough but I put maximum effort in and go hard to be honest just my nature. Knowing things are there is all I need to not lose hope and call it dead site! 

     I've dug cannon ball pieces as well and when one day i run outta 2 way signals I'm gonna start digging iron and every iffy which are in the thousands that's no stretch at all. In a perfect world I'll be there many more times if I'm lucky but we can't count our eggs before they hatch I reckon. 

      Another thing the ground is so hard grey clay and flat sandstone these targets up to canister shot"really heavy" are 3,4 inches at deepest and sometimes double beeping barely under the ground. No turn over not a field or farm field just THE FIELD OF DREAMS.

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Looks like that button is in really good shape, good save on it and the rest of the finds.

Glad you had fun and a good hunt.

Good luck on your next outing.

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