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Reports On MX Sport Firmware Update - Post Here

Guest Paul (Ca)

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I posted here because White's is following this thread as well as consumers/users.  Perhaps this could help them and their distribution chain communication.  Also, they are just now open in the last hour or so I thought I may get some insight sooner posting.

I purposely waited a couple months to add the line in hopes all units would now be current in all distribution channels but no...not the case.  Sigh...

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The best way to know if you have the latest firmware is the SAT. You should have 8 levels.

Thank you guys for your patience. We're listening to your feedback, and we'll always make things right with our customers. Sorry for the hiccup on the MX Sport, if you have any issues please call us at the factory for help. That's the quickest way to get assistance as our army of web people is me, and I am (unlike the legendary Steve Herschbach) a mere mortal. But I'm trying!

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Hmm, A dealer with new equipment arriving in the box and then on the shelf ready for sale, no, first they have to open the box and battery up the unit and then run through the program just to understand what they have or have not. Now it is almost like a used piece of equipment. Come on Whites, at least put a sticker on the box after you battery it up and do the run through to see if it is right. Then ship it out to your dealers and customers. Hickup??? more like a mess.

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Sorry man, just trying to do what I can to make things right. We've had the current firmware out for a few months. Unless you got a time machine there's not much we can do other than honor our warranty. Lesson learned.

FWIW- the detectors with older firmware are not DOA. They work, but the engineers made improvements to the firmware and we are reprogramming any machines that don't have the current firmware for free. I've used both - and prefer the updated firmware. But a lot of folks are waiting to send their machine in until winter. It still works fine for them, your mileage may vary.

Some of the forum posts would have you think that the not only does the old firmware make the MX Sport completely unusable but also drinks all your beer, asks to borrow your truck, and spits chew on your floor.

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I called a few hours ago and will get it updated.  That's just the one that I plan on evaluating.  Others...it's just a crap shoot for the dealer and the consumer.  Do you open the seal and still sell as new/used/demo?  Open it up and if not updated send in to update and then sell as new? demo? used?  Sell as new and sealed and have the customer deal with it if they notice... maybe they wont?  This last one is from White's the one option I'm absolutely against and pretty sad it was even suggested.

Sadly, I'm thinking get them all updated if need and just clear them out.  Just avoid the MX Sport for another 6 months.

The silver lining is White's support and service is second to none and always makes it right and then some.  Hopefully this is just a growing pain as the design direction of machines is improving for sure.

White's isn't the only manufacture that has some issues.  I set the bar very high for my own level of service and products, but we can all fail at times.


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The group of units that are still out there on Whites dealers shelves and in there system could just be labeled " MS short " having just a few digital bits short of a full and complete operating program. To be sold to customers that hopefully will  not know that they are not getting a detector with the full updated Sport capabilities. That is a very sad message and should be a serious wake up call for potential customers and also for the management that seems to be promoting that idea. It is almost like someone is depending on the ignorance of the customers to finally unload a pile of units not properly updated.

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