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Wm08 Sound Clipping


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decided to try the wm08 wireless module again on my EQ. fully charged it and kept it in a pouch around my waist to keep it close to the EQ head unit.

Getting this annoying signal clipping going on. If I plug in the phones directly nothing....sound is great. I'm running 50 tones.

Anyone else seeing this sort of issue? wondering if I have a faulty wireless module.

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I keep mine in my shirt pocket which is on the same side of my body as the detector (left side in my case).  Definitely the human body will block the signal, although it sounds like yours is line-of-sight positioned?  Try mounting it higher than on your belt and see if that helps.  (You mention that you keep it in a pouch.  Don't know if that would interference or not....)

One other thing, although if you're experienced with the detector you surely would have thought of this (and corrected for it):  Setting discrimination bounds (i.e. any kind of notching, including the mode defaults where the iron zone is blocked) will cause what you describe.  In any case, pressing the horseshoe button to open up all dTID bins should remedy any dropouts from that.

For me being able to use Sunray Pro Gold over-ear headphones via the WM08, I pick up a lot more subtleties in the audio than with other sound sensing methods.  Sometimes I notice quirks with that setup that I wouldn't have otherwise.

How long have you had the WM08's?  I have noticed with some lithium battery systems that if I don't use them for very long periods there can be loss of performance.  That may have to do with the amount of charge that was stored at the time they were last used.  (There has certainly been quite a bit of that -- the charge loaded before long term storage -- mentioned here on this forum.)

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I haven't had that problem with my WM08.  I keep it in an upper shirt pocket when I use it.  Have you tried it further away from the control pod?

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