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Fun Impromptu Beach Hunt With A Forum Member

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13 minutes ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

Looks like a fun hunt! That's one of the cool things about detecting, many times it's not about what you find, but who you find. ?

I'm finding that. Not a big fan of the city we went to (I'm no stranger to cities but revere my rural home), but the company was excellent and those we met along the way were more pleasant than usual.

We both thought we might wipe each other out, but neither of us wanted to stop. ? Ended up being nearly 8 hours out there with few breaks. My kind of hunting!

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4 minutes ago, dogodog said:

Oh and you forgot your my pretty pony lip gloss!!!

Damn, and I had that in a zipper pocket.

Thanks for posting a fairly flattering photo of me, looking up stretches my jowls. ? And neck. 

Hope that chain turns out to be solid gold, pretty sure it is, it was heavy enough. You were digging too many pennies, although it looks like I got more anyway ? that was your karma payoff man! Good on ya for thinking "outside the box" as it were. The story behind that broken chain might be a good one.

Haven't had that much fun well, in a long while. ? Seriously a great time.

BTW it's a tradition to kiss your first coin and relic or jewelry, keeps your immune system hot. ? Any time you're in the area I'm game for hunting.

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The beach sure is not my game, But I'll take a bunch of laughs over gold any day!!

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Sounds like the 2 of you had a really nice hunting session with something to show for your hard work.

Just for the people who don't know what you look like please tell me who is on the right side and who is on the left side in the picture.

Good luck on your next hunt.

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Great thread guys, good to see you both having some fun and a few finds to go with it.   It's a shame they ruined that beach with those ugly awful bland buildings along the length of it.

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2 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

Sounds like the 2 of you had a really nice hunting session with something to show for your hard work.

Just for the people who don't know what you look like please tell me who is on the right side and who is on the left side in the picture.

Good luck on your next hunt.

Thanks VL, James is right about gold and friendship. I'm both the ugly mug on the right and the shadowy figure at the surf line. ? He was lucky some good looking guy showed up to take his place. Best to shoot into the sun the second time so you don't crack your lens! ?


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