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Testing The Silver Slayer Program In A Ghost Town

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Nice hunt Cap'n! That's more like the Relic Slayer now ? cool stuff and nice wheat. ? Especially like the big box ("snuff?") and the watch back.

Looks like you're really getting comfortable with the D2 now. I'm loving mine.

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Those are some great relics. Looks like the past hunters weren't as thorough as they thought. Your intelligent hunting paid off.

I like the large fancy jar lid. 

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Yah, that's a great relic hunt. You finding lots of stuff.

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Nice bunch of relics. I usually don't keep most of the stuff you're showing but I probably should and start making shadow boxes with it. I think I found 6 harmonica reed plates last time I went.

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On 11/4/2022 at 5:24 PM, F350Platinum said:

Nice hunt Cap'n! That's more like the Relic Slayer now ? cool stuff and nice wheat. ? Especially like the big box ("snuff?") and the watch back.

Looks like you're really getting comfortable with the D2 now. I'm loving mine.

Thanks F350! I'm not finding the kind of great finds you are getting, but I'm getting more comfortable with the D2 and learning more of what it's been trying to tell me. I think I'll keep it. ?

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7 hours ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

Thanks F350! I'm not finding the kind of great finds you are getting, but I'm getting more comfortable with the D2 and learning more of what it's been trying to tell me. I think I'll keep it. ?

I think you're doing great! Some of my best finds come after I've "cleaned a place up", my last post was a good example. This time I was playing with reactivity, there I can run it at 0. Just follow up on any chirp you hear no matter how fast you're swinging. Low and slow is always a good mantra, but it ain't gospel ? The majority of finds were on the fringes of where I searched before.

Your finds tell a story, that's as important as finding silver or gold. ? It evokes images of good times, prosperity, the excitement of the railroad opening new frontiers, and of course a lady to darken or lighten the day... ?

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3 hours ago, NCtoad said:

Nice finds CPT!   Do you know what that item in the middle of the second pic is?   It almost looks like it has a Rolls Royce insignia on it, but it looks like a lid from a jar.  

Thanks, NCt! I had to dig that piece back out of the baggie archive and take a closer look. I was beat when I got home that evening and just noticed it had a cool design but didn't take the time to check it out better. Here's some better photos of it. I looked at the back and it has a spring so it must be the back of an old flashlight. The ER (or RE?) design made me think it might be an early Eveready design, but I haven't been able to find anything that looks like that online yet.




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