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Hello From Northern California


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New guy in the SfBay Area!

making the push to swing my coil over some nuggets. Started detecting back in 2014 just coinshooting in the local parks. Took a break for the last 3 years and just got the itch to get back at it…this time I am making a push to get into nugget shooting by getting some good machines and picking up some research materials to guide my search.  Next is to get back into a club or two with the hope to get some access to proven grounds to practice…hopefully hook up with some fellow detectorists and dig those targets!

Seems like a great forum community, look forward to seeing y’all in the field!

Also want to thanks Steve for his hard work and dedication with all the guides, tips and info, outstanding!

Cheers All!


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Welcome from East Texas. You have picked a good place to settle back in.

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Welcome to the best forum on the net and we are glad to have you with us.

Please share some of your hunts and finds with us in the near future.

I live in the middle of Illinois, not near Chicago at all, and feel sorry that you are where you are at. I promise that we won't hold that against you if you know what I mean.

Good luck and good hunting.

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9 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

Welcome to the best forum on the net and we are glad to have you with us.

Please share some of your hunts and finds with us in the near future.

I live in the middle of Illinois, not near Chicago at all, and feel sorry that you are where you are at. I promise that we won't hold that against you if you know what I mean.

Good luck and good hunting.

Hello Valens Legacy, thanks for the welcoming and hunting luck well wishes, I am happy to be here!

I hope I have worthy finds and hunts to share with everyone in the future.

I haven’t been to your area but I have stopped in Chicago for a couple nights to see BBKing play the house of blues and I got to say it was amazing! I also had some of the best stout I have every tasted at a small Irish pub in the downtown area. Great times!



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4 hours ago, jim tn said:

Welcome to a great forum and hobby. HH Jim Tn

Thanks Jim Tn! I am excited to get swing in’. A little nervous about where to go but I am a little in luck there was a small gold location at a state park near me…it seems they have protected the area for some butterflies so hopefully they won’t mind me scouting around a little and trying to get my ground balancing and test nugget locating a go. No digging, that dirt might have a protected beetle or seeds of a plant that the rare butterflies eat and cocoon in …ahhhh…

happy to be here, Thanks again

HH Jim


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19 hours ago, Shojo510 said:

small gold location at a state park near me…

Welcome Shojo,

Quoted what you wrote because it's a little bit of concern.

Glad you're back to the hobby, I started a little over 2 years ago now and am having a blast in retirement.

I too look forward to your finds and contributions. ? This forum is the best place for advice and knowledge of detectors, first and foremost that's what it shines at.

I'm not sure what the laws are regarding state parks in your area, but in mine, showing up with a detector in a state park or a civil war battlefield can be a felony.

Hunting nature preserves is only allowed by "special use permit", and I know from experience the people who write the permits are only going to throw the law at you instead of considering the merits of your application.

There is a great website that tries to keep up with laws regarding metal detecting:


Pick your state or the state you are in and check them out before visiting any state or preserve land. Local parks are one thing but state and federal preserves are another. ?

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Thanks F350P! I appreciate your concern and pointing me to that resource.  I am just trying to convey my excitement about getting out there. I am not one to go off half cocked and bring the hobby into a bad light.  Here Historical areas and nature conservatory's are a no go, Federal areas as well.  I want to be a good hearted ambassador to further the hobby not set it back with incurred misguided civic wrath while navigating the labyrinth of open and closed areas ? 

Further Upon reading more into the area I was interested in, there is no off trail hiking or scouting allowed so I will most likely be unable to utilize that location for my initial testing of small targets laid upon the top of highly mineralized ground, using my sub gram test nuggets, pickers, hens teeth or what have you(insert slang name for rice crispy sized gold) and will need to venture further afield to find a secluded area in which to lose my self in the sounds of the GPX targets in my headphones?

I hope to share some adventures and hope to make finds worthy of sharing as well.

HH, John 

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