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Beach Settings Questions For Nox 800 Please


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Hello.  I'm new to the Nox 800.  I have one on loan for a temporary objective.  And after reading the instructions, I'm left with a few questions :


1)  I see that the difference between beach 1 and beach 2 is that beach 2 turns off the high-transmit .  So I would assume that is for when you would anticipate nasty minerals, for example, right ?  Thus if someone is at a low mineral wet-salt beach, then I assume that beach 1 is the preferred (deeper) mode.  Right ?    I will only be in the inter-tidal wet zone (not wading, not scuba).   What else is the stock difference between beach 1 and beach 2 ? 

2) In beach one, I moved the tones up to "50".  Because I'm a fan of the explorer II, in ferrous mode, with the entire screen opened up (ie.: hear everything, and let my ears do-the-choosing).  But I noticed that , on the Nox, this Beach -2 mode made nails "null".   I prefer to hear the nails (albeit as a low tone that I'll mentally pass).   So I figured out that the way to allow them , is to press the horse-shoe button.  Right ?  But I noticed that the nails are extremely wimpy !   Ie.:  As if their volume is very weak, when compared to the volume of similar size conductive objects.    

Yes I've set the target volume to max (25).  But that only seems to apply to the conductive zone targets.  Not iron.  Am I doing something wrong ?

3)  I notice that the tonal difference between zinc and copper pennies is very subtle.  Not much difference.  As opposed to my Exp. II, where the difference is very pronounced.  Is there any way to accentuate the tonal difference between them ?  Because if the beach is red hot after these storms (targets everywhere) I intend to pass copper pennies and up, and only dig mid conductors (zinc) and down. In order to increase my odds at gold jewelry (try to pass pesky coins).  So is there a way to make the zinc vs copper penny tones more pronounced ?

4)  Any other recommended adjustments to beach -1, for wet-salt Calif. beaches ?   I am NOT after micro-jewelry.   So as long as I'm getting down into foil-range, that's fine.

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  • The title was changed to Beach Settings Questions For Nox 800 Please

I cannot help you on the "tones" I only hunt in one tone.

Going to make it simple because I know you have lots of experience.

With respect to beach 1&2. It comes down to the sensitivity you can run. Example: If you can only get to a sensitivity of 18 in beach 1 but can run 22-23 in beach 2. Beach 2 is your choice hands down. No question Beach 1 will be very chatty in wet/water sand contact.

Volume: If you're running with the horseshoe mode on, [which I recommend] then the volume control should be effective with both ferrous and nonferrous targets. I run mine at 25.

The only way you can skip zincs or copper is by full TID lock. Gold will come in on the Equinox between 1-22. You will get VERY FEW gold over 19 in reality.

Above repost off friendly but will add: Yes, Horseshoe accepts all metals [nails included]  In discrimination mode you will get nulls on nails and Horseshoe mode can also get a choppy null-ish signal. There is just something about Minelabs that do not like Iron even in all metal modes. The Sovereign worked like this as well.  With the horseshoe mode on ferrous will break down at some point on a 360 look of the target. 

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1 hour ago, midalake said:

There is just something about Minelabs that do not like Iron even in all metal modes. The Sovereign worked like this as well.  With the horseshoe mode on nonferrous will break down at some point on a 360 look of the target.

Thanks, could you clarify or explain this a little?  "With the horseshoe mode on nonferrous will break down at some point on a 360 look of the target."   Non ferrous target falsing as iron but breaks up sometime in a 360 investigation? 

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Tom --

You can (if I am not mistaken; it's been so long since I've played with the tone settings) adjust your "iron volume."  Mine is low, relative to conductive tones, but I THINK you can run that up as high as you want.

As for copper vs. zinc pennies, it's not that difficult at all to tell the two apart, tonally, in turf-type settings.  I have no issue at all (I also run 50 tones).  But, on a salt-water beach, where you would encounter any and all stages of corrosion, all bets are off, I'd think.  In general, there's a roughly 4 VDI numerical difference between a zincoln, and a copper memorial, so in 50 tones, that's quite a separation of tones.  Again though, the beach may change all of that for the worse...

And yes, hitting the horseshoe button every time you turn on the machine will change the machine from discriminating iron (and thus iron giving you a threshold null like on your Ex.2) to allowing you to hear all iron (iron tone).  Look at your "speedometer" dial, as you press the horseshoe button, and you'll see that the negative VDI numbers go from "no black tick mark" above them (discriminated out), to having the black tick mark above them (NOT discriminated).


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3 hours ago, steveg said:

Tom --

You can (if I am not mistaken; it's been so long since I've played with the tone settings) adjust your "iron volume."  Mine is low, relative to conductive tones, but I THINK you can run that up as high as you want.

As for copper vs. zinc pennies, it's not that difficult at all to tell the two apart, tonally, in turf-type settings.  I have no issue at all (I also run 50 tones).  But, on a salt-water beach, where you would encounter any and all stages of corrosion, all bets are off, I'd think.  ...

Great input Steve.  Thanx ! 

What control menu options/buttons do I press to get to the iron-volume adjust ?

And as far as zinc. vs copper :  Yes, I was only referring to fresh air tests.  Obviously if zinc begins to corrode in the ground or on the beach, they slip down even further, down into the mid-tone ranges.  And then yes :  Utterly no way to tell them apart from mid-range gold rings.   Sure.  But for my purposes, I have no intention of skipping zinc, whether corroded OR fresh.  Because some fatty men's gold rings come in at zinc, at you know.   HOWEVER : Very few gold rings are ever going to read at copper penny / dime (unless 24k).  

So my question was assuming fresh air tests.  On beach, a copper penny or dime that is beach-kissed thin (tumbled by a decades of being washed in and out with the surf) will read lower as well.   So I realize that trying to up odds at gold rings is not perfect.  It's merely Las Vegas odds.  Like .... for sure if I can tell without doubt that it's a copper dime or quarter, then :  I am not in the mood to dig clad, if targets are everywhere, fast & furious.  Kiss silver coins goodbye in that case, since they're beach toast anyhow, haha

I realize the #'s of zinc are 20 to 21, and the # of copper penny/dime is 23 -24.   A clear numerical readout difference.  However, the tonal difference is harder to tell, than what I'm used to on the Explorer II.  But maybe that's simply because I have so so many year's experience on the Exp.

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Uh, Tom, have you considered reading the User Manual??  :biggrin:  (OK, now I'll duck as I expect you to throw a hard object in my direction.)

Whereas (I'm pretty sure) Park 1 and Field 1 are the same except for canned/default settings (which can be changed to match) and Park 2 and Field 2, ditto.  The difference between Park 1 and Park 2 (ditto Field 1 vs. Field 2) are in the actual transmitted and maybe received frequency handling.

I've heard it said that Gold 1 vs. Gold 2 is also just a difference in canned/default settings.

BUT, Beach 1 vs. Beach 2 is a different animal.  (I never use those since although I have played with Beach 1 for dry land detecting, long ago.)  So if I were you I'd at least read through the manual pages covering Beach 1 and Beach 2.

In the four Park and Field modes, although I use different number of tones (sometimes 2, most of the time 5, and occasionally Full = 50?), in my favorite 5 tones I customize ALL of the audio settings:  volume by tone #, pitch by tone #, and breaks by tone #.  That's 5+5+4 = 14 individual adjustments in a single search mode.  I could spend 20-30 minutes explaining how I do that, but I couldn't do it as well as the manual does.

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1 hour ago, Tom_in_CA said:

I realize the #'s of zinc are 20 to 21, and the # of copper penny/dime is 23 -24.   A clear numerical readout difference.  However, the tonal difference is harder to tell, than what I'm used to on the Explorer II. 

I think you answered you own question. Dig everything 19 and below if you want to make tracks and cover lots of ground. In what? 4 years now the gold ring above 19 escapes me.......I have not even found one that rung-up that high.  I also never skip any signals 19 and over. 

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15 minutes ago, midalake said:

I think you answered you own question. Dig everything 19 and below if you want to make tracks and cover lots of ground. In what? 4 years now the gold ring above 19 escapes me.......I have not even found one that rung-up that high.  

This ring hit at 25 on the 800 at a fresh water lake...but it was massive lol .


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