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Wow Australia… Unbelievable Flooding In North Queensland, Wa And Many Other Places...

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Thank you Strick, being OZ biased, I found both The Dry and The Drovers Wife brilliant movies, with The Drovers Wife being very powerful as well. 

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I think Norvic's picture of USA /Australia land mass comparison has the USA size adjusted to account for Alaska. If you take out Alaska and Hawaii  this picture gives you a better idea  of the relative sizes. So the lower 48 states are still larger at 3,120k squ miles while Australia is 2,941k squ miles.




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VicR, Aye picture I posted does show (apparently) size of OZ vs US with states and territories of OZ and the 52 US States combined, I say apparently because tis from internet???? thus maybe not accurate just a rough idea. I thought OZ would be only roughly half size of US, Strick thought maybe would be bigger, initially I`d found one showing California vs OZ and that got me thinking OZ is big in comparison, all good.

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The crazy thing is the US coastline is just under 20,000kms when New Zealand is about 15,000kms, and NZ is small.

Australia is about 34000kms of coastline, that’s a lot of beaches for beach hunters ?

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Hi Norvic - the picture i used was from a Aust. Govt. Dept. web site so i am pretty confident its accurate - its interesting how the West to East distance is just about the same for both USA and Aust - both are a B....y long way.

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On 1/19/2023 at 12:56 PM, Norvic said:

Is an annual thing in OZ, sometimes more flooding sometimes less but always some, it is just the News these days have an agenda to make out its something new.

Just like 'your' news here is some info about our weather!


California storms not likely caused by climate change - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

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Yeah MN not wrong weather probably can go to all extremes regardless of where we live, but I wonder, when I think California or Australia , I think gold, is it that lovely heavy stuff that draws the mongrel weather? Or is it just our feverish hobby mucking up our thinking big time, well mine at least..... let me out of this cabin..... ?


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On 1/20/2023 at 7:15 AM, flakmagnet said:

I have been reading a number of accounts that sounded as though the flooding was a bit more than your usual 'normal'.

Too right Flakmagnet.. Here's what someone in the know has to say: https://theconversation.com/from-floods-to-fire-a-climate-scientist-on-the-chances-el-nino-will-hit-australia-this-year-197408

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