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Reaction To This Environment?

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Now that is fashioned the "reactions" to a video (Hi Shakira!) , I share with you a video of a beach that gives a lot of gold, but very very mixed with iron.

I recorded the audio with the headphones just to show you how difficult is this beach, and what are your thoughts about it. The video is not a search, is just to show, with my left hand (I'm severe right-handed ?). 

I hunt it (successfully) with the 6" coil (sometimes I use Coiltek 10x5), Beach2, 2 tones, 4-5 RSpeed, tracking GB, F2=0. 

Would you use any other configuration? Other coil? Let's talk! 



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Wow, that's quite a bit of iron. You might try bumping up the F2 to see if that knocks some out. If that doesn't work you might want to drag a huge magnet through a spot before detecting to see what kind of iron it is.


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My reaction is... I think I'd find another beach that was a bit easier, but I can certainly understand your dedication and perseverance. ? Good on ya. ?

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2 hours ago, King-Of-Bling said:

What I learned from your video : #1- you state you find alot of gold there. #2- you are passing over signals I would dig. #3- a garden rake may be helpful for taking the top layer off.

Thanks King! I was just showing the iron and it's falsing, because the most of the signals are just that, iron falsing (look at the cross check), I was not searching or digging, just taking this video for all you. 

Below that stones, are more stones, bigger ones. This is the bottom of the beach, where the storm has taken away the sand. 

And yes, its incredible how much gold is there, nearly all masked partially with the iron. 

Just patience,  patience and patience, and the outcomes comes by itself! 

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57 minutes ago, NCtoad said:

Call me different, but I like challenging sites like that, especially if I can hunt them multiple times trying different settings.  

Me too! It's a real challenge, and near nobody detects there, so... There's a lot of stuff, is a very busy beach 

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I would try with a detector designed for high iron trashed areas , a Teknetics , Tesoro , Deus1 or 2 for example .  Personally I dont put up with the chatty MLs ( Equinox , Vanquish etc .. ) in the irons and especially these high tones "signals" which sound like good targets and disappear with the next coil sweepings that we clearly hear in your video ...  Horrible ... ?



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