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Manticore For Prospecting


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2 hours ago, abenson said:

Got to agree with you Simon. My first initial indoor tests on gold between the D2, Manticore and 900 were not too impressive. I was going to save any comments until after I had a chance to get to the goldfields and try it in some real ground. But I tested a fairly round .07 gram nugget with the 3 and the D2 did the worst, had to practically touch the coil to get it. Manticore I could get about an inch off the target and the 900 was at least 1/2 to an inch farther above the target than the Manticore.

So far the only place I really like the Manticore is at the beach. It's a top performer there. Had it park hunting a few times and was not impressed, would rather use the 900. The only place I haven't had a chance to try the Manticore yet is relic hunting. From what Tom Dankowski has said on his forum I may not like it relic hunting either. His comments to those who are trying to decide is-On land if EMI is not an issue get the 900, if EMI is an issue get the Manticore. If you primarily beach hunt get the Manticore. My relic hunting spots are fairly remote so I'm thinking the 900 will be the one to use for me. I' at lest a month away from a relic hunt to test the Manticore out.

Makes my head spin ?one minute ive decided the Manticore is the one to go for then reading comments from  people that have them I'm not convinced at all ?.  No rave reviews unless you are a beach hunter(I'm not)then an easy choice I think. The 900 seems to be holding its own very well indeed. Decisions decisions my 800 has served me very very well.

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38 minutes ago, Chesroy said:

Makes my head spin ?one minute ive decided the Manticore is the one to go for then reading comments from  people that have them I'm not convinced at all ?.  No rave reviews unless you are a beach hunter(I'm not)then an easy choice I think. The 900 seems to be holding its own very well indeed. Decisions decisions my 800 has served me very very well.

After 40+ hours with the Manticore, the wow factor just isn't there like it was for Equinox 800. I don't salt water hunt, just freshwater. I've only used it at the same swimming hole, so maybe it'll shine at another location.

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 I'm very disappointed with the Target ID stability on the Manticore too, even in air tests its far less stable than the Nox 800 and not just because of the expanded ID numbers, its more unstable than that.

The CTX is still king as the deep silver cherry picker in a mild park setting that's for sure.  The Nox appears to be the better prospecting machine, so it looks like the Manticore is the better for the beach, I'm not yet sure where and if I will use it for my needs.

It's not the WOW machine their marketing made it out to be.

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1 hour ago, Chesroy said:

Makes my head spin ?one minute ive decided the Manticore is the one to go for then reading comments from  people that have them I'm not convinced at all ?.  No rave reviews unless you are a beach hunter(I'm not)then an easy choice I think. The 900 seems to be holding its own very well indeed. Decisions decisions my 800 has served me very very well.

You have to decide if you need either, you possibly don't unless your 800 has a deficiency that you need resolved like you hunt a lot in water and don't trust your Nox or you haven't put a aftermarket shaft on it and want it to be telescopic or something but its a big price to pay for a telescopic shaft.   I don't think someone sticking with a Nox 800 is missing out on much at all., fantastic detector, it was the game changer.

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While I don't have a Manticore yet (and I may wait for the CTX4040 ?), I've been following the development and release closely. I'm thinking, as SteveH and others have surmised, that the Manticore was not intended as a gold machine, even though there is a gold mode, and that it was intended as a coin and jewelry machine to replace their aging silver slayer, the E-Trac.

Again as SteveH has mentioned, the Equinox was a proof of concept release to test their Multi-IQ technology in coin, jewelry, relic, and native gold hunting and it passed with flying colors. Minelab then released their new gold seeking PI machine, so the next thing to replace was the coin hunter machine. And if Minelab logic follows, the replacement for the old Excaliber II should be next and then the replacement for the CTX3030.

These are just some opinions, I could be wrong.

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