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F5 Vs F75 Or T2 All Metal

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On 2/28/2023 at 2:56 PM, Daniel Tn said:

Something I had forgotten about since last having an F75:  the newer DST model F75s have been neutered from what made them great.  They have a VERY weak all metal mode now.  To get a good one, you'll have to find one that hasn't been updated and is a non DST model.  Just an example for you...the F75 I recently traded for is a DST model. With it at 99 sensitivity, it will only AIR TEST a .58 cal Minie ball out to 9.5-10 inches in all metal.  And you have to really be listening to hear it. By comparison, we tested my buddys original non updated F75 on the same minie ball and his unit sounds like it has an audio boost enabled in all metal and is much more powerful.  We couldn't get his to 99 sens due to chatter but with it on 80, it was calm and could detect that minie out to 14 inches.  Yes, that's a 4 inch difference.  Whereas the newer one was weak and barely hearable at 10 inches...his was a "no doubt about it" signal at 10...very pronounced.  We could actually turn his sensitivity down to 60 and 70 and still get better distance than the neutered F75 at 99 sens.  I traded a CZ70 Pro with George here on the forum for a T2. I'm hoping like crazy that it's a non DST model lol. Or at least isn't as badly neutered as the F75 I have.  

I have the Pro Arc which is the F75 LTD with a different face plate.  I get a consistent 15" air test on a US nickel with both the DST settings.   All metal is absolutely awesome in the boost mode.  I have a few civil war bullets I might try tomorrow. 

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9 hours ago, Mark Gillespie said:

I have the Pro Arc which is the F75 LTD with a different face plate.  I get a consistent 15" air test on a US nickel with both the DST settings.   All metal is absolutely awesome in the boost mode.  I have a few civil war bullets I might try tomorrow. 

There is a big difference between air testing and ground testing. Try burying some targets at precise depths and see how it does. Make sure the ground is free of metal and hot rocks.

My non-DST T2 SE easily went an inch deeper on a silver dime and two inches deeper on a silver quarter than my F75 DST in mild soil. Both using the 15" x 10" SEF coil.


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Exactly, but I wanted to state my machine does well regardless of the DST settings.  One has less chatter than the other.  Of course I'm using the stock 11" DD coil.  High minerals in the ground will cause many different kinds of target anomalies.  For me, high minerals will pull down the target ID and audio and yes times all the way into the iron range. 

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On 4/5/2023 at 8:22 AM, Mark Gillespie said:

Exactly, but I wanted to state my machine does well regardless of the DST settings.  One has less chatter than the other.  Of course I'm using the stock 11" DD coil.  High minerals in the ground will cause many different kinds of target anomalies.  For me, high minerals will pull down the target ID and audio and yes times all the way into the iron range. 

Same with my F75. I saw very little difference between DST on and DST off. I don't know why they even bothered adding an off option. DST solved the EMI problem but the loss of performance compared to my T2 SE which had no DST was disappointing. 


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  • 9 months later...

Morning folks,just ordered a brand new T2+ today and should be here by the weekend,i have had my original green T2 since 2007 as it was one of the 1st batches here in the UK,this machine has found me more gold hammered/milled coinage than all my other machine put together.

My question is am i right in saying that you can run boost mode in AM ?? as i am reading it you set the machine up initially in Discrimination mode with BP and then flick it over into AM mode is that correct.Never really liked the stock coil so will be using my all time favourite NEL Sharpshooter coil on as i find it works exceptionally well on my trashy roman/Saxon site and my older T2 will have my bigger NEL Storm on it for deeper pasture sites.

I am assuming that dealers are selling off older stock machines as i picked this one up brand new for under £300 including postage so grabbed a bargain.

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@RickUK From my understanding you are correct on getting AM into Boost mode.

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Just a quick question,my new T2+ arrived this morning and also ordered another couple of smaller coils as i have never been a fan of the stock coil,my question is after switching the T2 on,i would usually go straight to AM mode which is self explanatory or in the earlier days Discrimination mode,i am aware on how to get into both of these settings but how do you go into Boost mode and than transfer over to AM mode,its either one or the other,but cannot see how to transfer over into AM mode after selecting Boost mode ??? any suggestions on this one please  even if it is possible which i am almost certain it can be.

Many thanks

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F5 is the only Fisher I have ever used but I have read extensively about the F75 & T2.  It may be that AM Boost was on the F75 only. If nobody with actual experience chimes in I would call First Texas and ask a tech.

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I think boost mode is already and has always been part of the all metal mode on the T2, it's only for discrimination modes which is why you can't transfer it over.  On my older T2 that has no boost mode I just run discrimination below 5 or above 49 and it seems to go into a boost mode without having the particular feature, adding significant depth, at the cost of some stability of course, but I prefer all metal on the T2 anyway.


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