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Alaska Mining Superstore

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That is hands down the best mining and prospecting outlet I've ever seen and far beyond anything I could have imagined. I especially love the variety of dredging equipment. It's been a long time since I was dredging and I miss it every day.


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Hey Steve. Congratulations on a lifetime of dedication to your passion and the positive outcome you have had on the thousands of people you have helped over the years, and continue to inspire today. That store is awesome! 

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Very nice store, You just need to find some nice gold claims to lease, and rent to us dumb butts that don't know how to go about that. That way you can make money with your store and on the claims. We can rent a week or two from you every summer .

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  • The title was changed to Alaska Mining Superstore

The story behind the store is great and the staff are clearly so proud to be part of it all.  A life changer for many.

I couldn't help but notice this gold pan/sluice? contraption on the shelves, I've never seen one before, what is it called? I'll have to look it up.


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