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Loren Lemcke Youtube Channel

Bill (S. CA)

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In the land of YouTube it is difficult to find the discussion of our hobby conducted in a civil tone.  You might give this guy a look.  He actually hunts, does some tests and applies science and math to detectors.  This video is especially interesting in that it points out the different approaches that XP and Minelab take with regard to target ID.


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Loren used to be a member here. Not currently however.

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For me this was a great demonstration of the iron co-mingled target down averaging characteristic of the current D2 version. I haven't done much work in iron yet but hope to this year. I hunt mostly fresh water and pretty much solely by audio. I like using a low notch of 7-28 but was concerned that with an iron, down averaged, good target of 7, or 8 that I'd be blocking the audio on the good target with the notch, but after watching this video it doesn't appear to be the case. The v0.71 software will still report the audio of the good target, and the down averaged TID is just a result of the way the software is trying to provide a stable TID. Thanks Loren Lemcke!

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I agree, this video also has great information without touting any brand and just points out facts. I'm familiar the down averaging of the VDI  on the D2, but this video shows what I am becoming very aware of, and that is while the ID numbers can be affected up or down by mixed targets with different sizes and/or conductivities, the audio is not processed the same way and therefore remains more pure. This video really shows that the audio on the good target stays good, unless the ID is notched higher than the target reads. The audio is key on the D2.

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yes but xp has to correct this "bug" with an update, 
a year has passed, they are obviously having difficulty developing it...
they must give the possibility to increase or decrease the delay of the visualization of the tid,
without affecting stability del tid for deep objects...
the fast program needs to decrease the tid delay! 
I also said it again and again in the comments on youtube by loren and on the xp channel
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