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Advice For Bigger Coil Gpx 5000

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Steve Quote from the link above sums it up from my experience too.  .............

"I do know one thing. If you are using normal size coils, going to smaller coils almost always gets more gold. Going to bigger coils? Not so much. No matter how you slice it big nuggets are very rare."  ...........

But it could be a nugget of a lifetime.



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Some people need to have that gold fix regularly, so they opt for the small coils. I couldn't give damn about fly poop gold, so don't care if I come home with nothing for weeks. Mind you, I will dig small gold if the signal is there, but I sure don't go looking for it, plus a big coil covers so much more ground.

That 25" NF coil is as light as a feather, so can swing it all day.

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7 hours ago, Reg Wilson said:

The three spoked one at the top is the one that I have. Worked really well on a 4000

Reg what settings are you running the trash can lid in? 

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5 hours ago, geof_junk said:

Steve Quote from the link above sums it up from my experience too.  .............

"I do know one thing. If you are using normal size coils, going to smaller coils almost always gets more gold. Going to bigger coils? Not so much. No matter how you slice it big nuggets are very rare."  ...........

But it could be a nugget of a lifetime.

That's the entire reason the GPX 6000 exists ?


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Gold Ryder.     I don't use a 'trash can lid' and haven't since the nineties. Settings always depend on the particular area being detected, but Bogene settings work well on a 4000. Threshold off and every thing maxed. (where possible)


Phrunt, with all due respect, you only have experience with fly poop, so not much point in you using a big coil. You have over a dozen detectors and God knows how many coils to hunt fly poop!!! Incredible! must drive your missus nuts.

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1 hour ago, Reg Wilson said:

Phrunt, with all due respect, you only have experience with fly poop, so not much point in you using a big coil. You have over a dozen detectors and God knows how many coils to hunt fly poop!!! Incredible! must drive your missus nuts.

Yep, the only bigger deeper targets I find are junk, the depths I've dug down to find a small piece of iron junk ?  One day Reg, one day... we can all hope.  I have hope the reason for my inability to find bigger deeper gold is I'm not in a place that has it more so than my inability to find it, who knows....

I believe my missus must have been nuts for some time, after all she took me on.

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On the 5k my two favourite coils are the nuggetfinder 15in spiral wound  and the 20in spiral wound.

I ran a 14in coil as my standard coil until the spiral wound mono came out. I found many kg of gold with it.

I used the 20in anywhere the ground was over 400mm deep as you are not going to get small stuff at that depth anyway. And the sensitivity of the 20 is still pretty good on gram sized and up targets. On 20g+ sized targets the 20 gets way better depth than the 14 or smaller coils.

I like Reg do not target small crumbs (unless electronic loaming) but take whatever comes, and believe me there is not much that gets past the 14 or 15 in the way of crumbs once you know how to use them. I wasted many hours going over areas that I cleaned with the 14 with smaller coils for SFA so abandoned that approach very early on.

I always used the 14in coil if the depth of cover was shallower than 400mm as there was no advantage of using larger coils in shallow ground. But in deeper ground they have a distinctive advantage and I found many kg following this approach.

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I have the NF 25" DDX coil and it is very stable. It can pick up a half gram nugget. With the pro swing 45, bungee and the Minelab swing arm, it is very comfortable to swing most of the day. It also pinpoints very well for a huge coil. 

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