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The Joy Of Not Finding Anything..

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I need to learn how to take in the atmosphere, the finds are slim to none here as well. But being at the beach is great nonetheless. It's the adventure i'm looking for, not just the end goal!

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That shell is a treasure found.

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Your story reminded me of back in my coinshooting days where I had a dog attack me from across the street.  Dog comes full bore at me and dog owner enjoying seeing her dog go after me.  I was packing my 31" ball handled Lesche shovel and after the first swing trying hit her dog THEN she tries to call him off and also saying "he doesn't bite" (they all say that).  I never did connect as my movement was limited because my headphones were still attached to me, detector on the ground, and that dog was fast. She got over there in a big hurry once the shovel swinging came into play....lmao!!!!

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Great save on the turtle, and very nice shell. That makes a very good week in it self, and there will always be days or weeks that there is nothing to find with the detector.

Good luck on your next hunt and try closer to the shore line.

Stay safe out there.

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Cool story. You write well enough to author a book or two. Maybe that should be another passion for your bucket list.

Yes, I'd rather find something on my morning trips to the beach but it gets me out of the house and gets me some exercise.

When you go enough trips without finding anything, it makes the time you do find something more enjoyable.

On another note....I'm one of the guy's that sits under the shade tree in my own front yard just to be outside and have some quiet time to reflect on how lucky I am to live like I do.

How many people still do that now days? If I had a nice covered porch with a rocking chair, that would work too. ?

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Nice saving the turtle. Dogs can be a problem sometimes. I've never had one come at while detecting.

I used to ride my bicycle 20 miles a day and more on the weekends. Sometimes a big dog would come running at me and I would jump off on the other side of the bike and keep it between me and dog. It's a little scarry have a big dog coming at you on a bike. Other times little dogs will be pulling on the end of my pants and I would be laughing at them.

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