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California Gold Country Mineralization

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Hello again Moxford, before we go any further what is moxford?  


Without getting into any names or anything the video that I saw between the 5000 and the ATX just showed me that someone did not know how to tune in a PI, whether it be a souped up GP 3000 or a GPX 5000. In my experience there is no way either the 3000 or the 5000 and anything in between would have missed those targets. I have been hunting too long with a PI to even come close to believing that video and a few others. The ATX is a "very" capable machine at the price, HOWEVER, in my opinion it will not get the depth that a Minelab PI will get. As I mentioned earlier, I played with one for a few days and became pretty familiar with it and there just is no way that it would compare to a Minelab PI. Again, as a stand alone PI, no comparing, the ATX is a good machine in it's own right and for the money it is a very reasonably priced unit. If I want to go deeper in any type of ground for gold nuggets I will stick to Minelab.


I will tell you right now that I will be one of the first to say that Minelab is way out of line on their prices and I for one will be keeping my eyes open for a PI or some new technology that will compare to a Minelab PI. Even though I do not like their pricing I have to stay with Minelab as far as performance goes. Yes, you may have to get a few different coils but that is part of the game. I use a my modified 3000 because it performs well for me. I keep hearing about the fine gold timings and all the smaller pieces people are now finding with the newer Minelab's and I have to say that I have been finding the same small pieces with my 3000 before it was ever modified and continue to do so. There have been advancements that are good but I cannot justify a three to four thousand dollar difference against my 3000. Familiarity with the unit you are using goes a long way.


As far as the GB Pro, I started using it soon as it came out. I used a GBII for many years and found pounds of gold with it and was not dissatisfied at all with it's performance. As a matter of fact I continued using the GBII along with the GB Pro for quite a while. Here in the Redding, Ca. area the GB Pro won out because I ended up getting better ground balance and depth in hot soils. It is also waterproof up to the box and I use it quite a bit to seek out sniping zones in a creek, and then go back with a mask and snorkel. There are soils and minerals that I cannot not tune the GBII in on, but the GB Pro works great and has found gold. I do wish that they would come out with the same small boot the GBII has but... The real winner to me is the discrimination and how well it works. I love to take it into high trash areas where there is a chance of nice nuggets. I will cherry pick them right out of the trash with ease. Of course I am talking about earrings or better, not fines. I will give the GBII an edge on a very tiny piece laying out flat on the surface, in that you will hear it a bit zippier and quicker than the GB Pro, however I am talking just nano seconds difference. The GB Pro is going to hear the same piece. I have friends in Northern Nevada that have been nugget hunting for years and years, most of them have quietly switched over to the GB Pro because they are working ground that is just a few inches deeper and hotter on the periphery zones of old patches where pounds of crumbs have come out. I hope this helps, TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

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moxford is equivalent to rmills since my name is Mike.  The system apparently defaults to your username - I have not looked to see if I can change the display name.  =)


Due to there being multiple employees named "Mike" (5 out of 15) we all had nicknames.  One was simply "M5" because he was the 5th Mike to join.  moxford is my email and it just stuck - there's never any confusion on "which MIke" in conversations.  It's often shortened to just "mox".  I guess, as nicknames go, it's not too bad.  It's been with me for years.


http://www.linkedin.com/in/moxford is me.


Probably too much information but hey - you asked!  =)


Back on topic..


More good info, thanks.  Steve, your videos were some of the ones which really turned me to the ATX.  Ray, your use of the GBPro surprises me because I've read time and time again "go GB2, go GB2."  Everyone fixates on the 71kHz of the 2 being so much better and if someone wanted a VLF for discrimination they would use a better VLF than the GBPro.  They probably just don't drive them as well as you do or they're parrotting others on the 'Net.  Awesome to hear it directly from someone using it at least remotely close to the same target zones as I'm looking at.  I have bids out on EBay for a GB2 ... I kinda hope i lose while I reconsider!  /laugh




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 Steve, your videos were some of the ones which really turned me to the ATX.

I have never done any ATX videos so it was not me. I really like my ATX but as my long review tells I am not putting my GPX aside in favor of the ATX. I disagree with any videos implying that is a good idea.

Many of us swear by the Gold Bug 2 and the Gold Bug Pro both. Mine complement each other well, with the GB2 getting the crumbs that in my opinion the GBP will not. As Ray says the GBPI gets better depth overall.

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I got a GB Pro about a year and a half ago and have not done good with it.  Always end up grabbing the GB2.  Well, I found out that it was not functioning correctly!!  On it's way to Fisher for repairs.

In case you are wondering what was wrong with it, two things:  1. the headphone jack quit working shortly after getting it.  I think a broken connection as it will sometimes work if you turn the machine upside down.   2. Very little sensitivity on small gold.  I thought it was just the the  way they were.  Then, I compared it to another one.  Something wrong with mine!! 

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 I have not found any places in which my 3000 could not handle the ground.


You'll have to come up this way again one of these days and I will show you some. At least your 3000 wont handle them without a DD coil. Even with the DD, it can be pretty marginal.

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Ray Mills was the influence for me to buy my Gb pro...and it has quickly become one of my favorite detectors. I have found more gold than my other vlf's,its extremely easy to use and its a great relic/coin detector too.

A question for you...are you new to prospecting? If so, do you already have known hold producing spots to detect? I ask, because you seem to emphasize waterproof capabalities. Just my oponion,but unless you have a remote,or private property area to detect underwater,it may be more of a pain than its worth. Reason I say that,if your plans arw to hit the north fork American in Auburn rec area,or another open area like that,theres gonna so much fishing weights,etc that detecting gor gold underwater may be a pain in the butt. I would think good ole sniping would be better. Just a thought.

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Oops, sorry Steve!  I was thinking of Bearkat's videos.  I've done so much research and I've seen your name over and over on various forums I somehow thought that they were yours.  Again, apologies.


Deathray, I am new to prospecting with a detector.  I've done some panning and sluicing.  The primary reason for "waterproof" was naively thinking I could use it in the rivers as well as IN the surf (and, for the cost, I didn't want to risk hundreds of dollars on a single oops-move in either environment.)  The Garrett stuck out as one of the only one which would work in either environment with the added advantage of folding up a bit better for backpacking.  My perspectives have changed a bit since the beginnings of this thread, but I'm probably over-thinking things at this point. and I should just get a GBPro and resign myself to missing the really small stuff and that I'll have to not be a klutz.  =)


No, I do not have great property.  Or ay property.  I did go ahead and go GPAA just so I had SOMETHING to work with, and I've spent a lot of time learning the BLM LR2000 and Geocommunicator system so I can try to find open areas to check out (as well as respecting other's claims.)  I may very well end up at the river in Auburn (incidentally the area where I first learned to pan and sluice many years ago) but I do not hold any special expectations ... those grounds have been hit so hard it's unreal.  I've spend a good number of hours as well reading up on the old Mother Lode towns, sites, and geography (including all of the Smartsville-block theories and lode topologies.)  Most of it's all private land with no access.  But in the end ... it's where you find it, right?  =)  I hold no visions out finding something special that all of the thousands before me, including the professional geologists and massive mining conglomerates, have somehow missed.  I will hold the skunk close, embrace the "it's going to be lots of work no matter how you slice it" and just enjoy my time outdoors and out of the Silicon Valley.  And, worst case, hey .. I'm helping clean up the rivers.  :lol:

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Mox, it is easy for a thoughtful person to get lost in all the options and opinions.


Steve has nothing to sell and never, ever glosses over the rough spots; nor does he wax poetic about the good spots...the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as he sees it. That is why I always suggest nubbies read all of his list of detectors.


Ray, among others suggests two detectors and that is the wisest way to cover almost all nugget hunting issues...there will never be a perfect  do       everything detector. You just have to define your cost vrs benefit equation and take a shot.


I donot currently have a goldbug or gmt but will again,someday soon-when I can quit spoon feeding my off-spring...I hope!


I do have a minelab 5000 that I recently moved up to...sold my fantastic 3500 to my Buddy...


I love hunting for and occasionally finding nuggets and will continue the search until I can't walk anymore...



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