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New Member From Boise, Idaho


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Hello everyone from Boise, Idaho.  I was a member of this forum 9 or 10 years ago, hanging around in the dredging forum; but of course lost THAT username and password (maybe even the email too).

About a year ago, I bought a GPX 6000 from Gerry.  What a great guy!  Met him at his house for the purchase, couldn’t have had a better experience and can’t say enough great things about the guy.

I’ve “mostly” always been a dredger since my grandfather introduced me to mining forty five years ago – geez, longer now that I think about it lol.  I did have a gold bug back in the 80’s and poked around a bit then got discouraged.  All because I didn’t take the time to learn the machine properly: I want to emphasize, that was 100% on ME. 

I got a Whites GMT ten or fifteen years ago, love that machine, but failed to find any gold with it.  Again, the reason for that is time behind the coil.  I just couldn’t dedicate enough to get after it.  Well, now I’m finding more time for detecting and oh my how I love the 6000.  Haven’t found any gold yet with it, but that will change any day.  I have a new puppy on the way, so it will be a few weeks before I can get back out there.  I haven’t  been able to get out at all this year yet, (I know, I know) I’ve been busy.

Last year about this time I got up to the mountains for five days, then in august another 9 days straight. I tell you what, with the 6000 in hand over that 9 days I dug 204 targets: boot tack’s, buckles, fragments of wire I can barely see, a chisel, square nails, and then...  “Story Time”.

I heard the perfect “Zip Zip” way down inside a bedrock crevice.  I’ve always found it a bit comical how the fever takes hold on a target like that!  The new pick wasn’t going to cut it, I had my own heavy tools back at the truck, an 8 pound sledge and 3 foot pry bar.  I had that bedrock so clean the crevice was screaming “HEY, I’M GOLD! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!” “Oh, I’m coming little fella!”  I kept zipping the coil over the target, “zip zip zip”! And the more bedrock I broke off THE LOUDER IT GOT!  “This can only be one thing!”  I became frantic, “Finally, after a lifetime of looking for gold, could this be my first nugget with a metal detector?  It’s got to be a TOAD!” I broke away more bedrock, only to get louder and louder, “zip zip”. “This has to be it!  Ahhhhh!” I’m shaking as I wave the coil over it one last time, “ZIP ZIP!” “Oh this is going to be ENORMOUS!”  I finally popped it out of its hiding place, the end of an old timers pick stuck way down there in the bedrock.  Hahaha! The hunt was just as fun.

The enjoyment of the hunt will never end.  Thanks for having me.





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And I thought I was bad chasing a target down.

Welcome from East Texas.

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Welcome to the forum again and I hope that we will all know what you found after all the digging.

Good luck and stay safe out there.

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Welcome back Revolver from uptah camp !?

You know the drill..

If you have any questions about that 6K just ask 'em . 

Many here have extensive experience with it !

No gold yet? Me too !  Keep trying , as you know your odds are going up every time you skunk out !

That nuggie is waitin' ,,,,right ova thayah >>>>>>>>>>>

Ya just gotta get that coil over it !?


?Live long and prospect.





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