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Manticore For Gold Prospecting: Tips And Tricks

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Good read.  We mine primarily with the 6000s. But one of our claims has ALOT of trash in the form of nails and tin on its lower end in some old timer workings. And it its rough with the 6000. So I just picked up a manticore to weed through it.  And to use on the shoulder season near town where the EMI is too much for the 6000. 

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Thank you for writing up your report and for your excellent testing!!!

Your Manticore 16 sensitivity, 6 recovery speed is very similar to what I use on the Equinox 800, 900 and Nokta Legend even with their smaller coils at most of the gold prospecting sites I hunt that have lots of manmade iron trash and magnetite pebbles. I can usually go no higher than 18 on the 800 and Legend and maybe 19 or 20 on the 900 with recovery speed at 5. Any higher sensitivity and the background noise gets unbearable. Same with recovery speed below 5. Iron bias on 0 for sure too with all targets accepted using their Gold modes.

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Gold Catcher  as most areas here in Victoria have been hit hard my many detectorist and the only areas left are mainly heavily polluted with junk, I have passed your post on to my 25 year-old grandson. He has got a Manitor and gets to his other grandparents area in the golden triangle and your information will help him a lot as the ground is very hot and will give him a good starting point to tune his detector. 


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5 hours ago, geof_junk said:

Gold Catcher  as most areas here in Victoria have been hit hard my many detectorist and the only areas left are mainly heavily polluted with junk, I have passed your post on to my 25 year-old grandson. He has got a Manitor and gets to his other grandparents area in the golden triangle and your information will help him a lot as the ground is very hot and will give him a good starting point to tune his detector. 

Thanks, GOJ. It would be interesting to know what works best for him in his grounds, and whether my observations/suggestions track there as well when hunting for gold with the Manticore. Perhaps you could post his feedback? It would be a good learning for all.



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Gold Catcher,  Fantastic article and read as I too am a big fan of VLF's (with identification) in trashy areas.  Your soils are a little more hot that a couple of my Eastern Oregon sites as I try to get GAIN around 18/19.  Also, when the smaller coil comes out, I think this will help us a little.

Keep up the great reports my friend and may the next big signal produce one of those monster specimens in all that trash.

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