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How Would You Like To Run Into This Big Boy Out Detecting?

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I am reminded of what I read in the travel journal of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. The Grizzly Bear as a species was unknown to them. On their first encounter with one they shot it with a sub .40 cal. muzzle loaded rifle ball. They were quickly surprised that it did not react like a Black Bear. It took quite a few more shots from other party members to ground the bear. Some how no one was mauled.

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The town of Sonora, California, was one of the first of the 1848 mining camps. The headstone of John Paul Dart is one of the most impressive headstones in the Old Sonora cemetery. In his memoirs Dart states that the rendered fat of grizzly bears was the chief cooking fat. He states that "The miners are amusing themselves killing deer and grizzly. One miner got hold of an old grizzly the other day, and vice versa. The bear tore him up pretty bad..."

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8 hours ago, strick said:

Not to be a stickler but you mean 300 Win Mag 🙂 


it was actually a 300 i get to typing so fast sometimes,  I miss hit the wrong buttons and then don't correct what I have typed until latter on


Thanks for the correction

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I trust 12 ga. 1oz slugs. This is what the Montana fish & game trusts as well . 

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Grizzlies can out run a quarter horse in the first 100 yards. And one should never go up hill. They can climb trees and sometimes they will just maul you, dig a shallow grave and haphazardly bury you. Then they will sit back in the bushes and watch to see if you move. If you move they will pounce on you again and maul you even worse. True facts. Black bears most of the time will begin eating you vefore you are even dead but a grizzly with take out his frustration on you and toy with you. When they see you move and after they work you over again they will dig a deeper grave and will wven jump on you to crush you, then drag you back into the deeper grave and bury you. You are essentially their food cash in that grave 

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Maybe they ate and extincted all of the Bigfoots?

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