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New Hunting Setup Brings Some More Pieces

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10 hours ago, okara gold said:

Here were a couple of methods I used to get into 2 small beaches once the gate was locked at the end of season. The year was 2011.

I have a long abandoned project due to lack of time, but on the basis of a wheelbarrow, with the addition of a steering axle, I would like to hook up an electric winch with gear and chain for traction.
It is the only motor capable of towing a boat with sufficient force, and although at reduced speed, it will bear carriages of up to 1,000 kg.
I am afraid it is the only one that can withstand harness, tank, dpv and accessories.
That's why I'm trying to change air sources.All of this is not only a lot of equipment to carry, but also to look after while you're diving.Easy prey for idiots with no better occupation than snooping through other people's stuff.

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1 hour ago, mn90403 said:

Those waves are really rare here in Italy.

Although Sardinia is very exposed to intense energy, it remains a spot too far to reach by sea before the conditions disappear, and by air it can cost a fortune to transport my equipment.

Renting at local dives involves having a rental vehicle increasing the skyrocketing costs.

So I stay in the basin protected from serious waves, but easier to control.

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