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Another Reason Why New Detector Models Act The Way They Do

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In the ground testing in your area means everything. Several years ago I purchased a Blisstool v.6 which was supposed to have superior depth to anything out there. But, in my ground in Montana it was fairly average on depth. One year I took it to Ohio on a visit to my family and I finally was able to see what everyone was talking about. I found a tiny German 1 Pfenning coin at 10 inches, but at home it was nothing special on depth. The Equinox easily gets an extra inch of depth by comparison. I attribute this partly to the 7-8 kHz frequency of the Blisstool vs the higher range of the multifrequency of the Equinox. @Jeff McClendon has stated on this forum that ~20 kHz detectors work well in his ground, which is magnetite-based mineralization (I used to live in Golden, CO). I think that is the case here as well.

I think Monte's nail board test has its uses, especially in the west where nails and non ferrous items tend to sit on or near the surface. This was the situation that led Monte to create the test in the first place. However, even here the test should be done on top of the ground and not in a garage or someplace where the influence of the ground cannot be taken into account.

YouTube influencers completely blew out of proportion the whole issue with the Manticore and nail falsing. I used to own a V3i and several older White's models (Spectrum etc.) that allowed transmit power to be turned up separately from the sensitivity/gain. If I remember right there was a knob on the front of the box that was called "transmit boost" or something like that. When turned on, transmit boost would make the detector prone to falsing on nails, especially when the ground was wet. I think the Manticore is similar to a White's model with boost on in some ways. It goes with the territory. I definitely dig more iron with the Manticore than I did with the Equinox, but only because I am going for the tougher colocated signals. If I was to limit the signals that I dig to perfect tones/Target Trace, then my iron count would go way down, but so would my good finds. I also tend not to use AT-HC which is weighted more to lower frequencies which does not work well in my ground anyway.

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There are plenty of things one can learn from contrived tests including air tests. I do them myself. They are not without value…. if viewed by people who understand what they are seeing, and who understand the limitations. What I find objectionable are the elevation of these types of tests as being the final word on things when they are not.

There have been a lot of detectors that did great in the lab but ended up not seeing the light of day because they failed in real world situations, way more than people know about.

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Tests like the bird dog that TNSS is showing i see as useful information rather than a setting to be used.

I've a well hunted medieval site that I'd gladly dig 100 nails on to maybe hit a gold hammered coin, so if i can use TNSS info to build myself a setting for that scenario I'd be well pleased.

Think about the % of ring pulls and balls of foil etc that are dug at a park to find a gold ring, if information came from a similar TNSS test that might help someone build themself a program to lower this % then I'd say that's useful info


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...Steve is right about something... a lot of .. "like .. testers" ... start testing a new detector... and at the same time they have not yet understood well how the detector works... and a detector tested in this way may or may not give good results in such testing ..

or on the contrary, the given new detector provides excellent results in such a test ... but it does not work in another type of test ... and it also does not work in the field where you are detecting ...

because it is important for detection not only how the detector signals the target... but also if the detector signals iron .. or other waste... and the terrain itself also strongly influences such detection..
I'm talking about the ratio of good signals ... to waste, for example...

And on the other side there are "Field testers" of the detector manufacturer who test the detectors from the prototype.. and you can really trust them.. because in such testing.. they know what they are doing... and they try to improve the tested detector as much as possible..

from my point of view, one of the best possibilities for testing the properties of the detector is various test fields... which contain both deep-seated targets and iron-masked targets... and which also contain civilized pollution with rusts, ceramics, coal and ash... because they really simulate the real detection conditions..

If there are more of these test fields... then you can really evaluate quite accurately how the detector works...

Minelab Manticore field tester... Mike on his test field...

Finally, the work of field testers directly in detection in the field...can further evaluate the test properties of the new detector in detection

First of all, I want to say... well done synthetically... specific separation tests should show which detector setting will be best done in a given detection situation...

But here it can be shown that a certain detector or even the type of coil used do not really have the best detection results in which type of separation... or it can be the opposite... it can show the correct combination of detector and coil + correct setting... I can provide the best separation results.. in the test..

one more thing... the given detection situation should have really well simulated real detection conditions in a certain terrain... and then such testing can provide excellent results in practical detection as well

Now something about the Monte performance nailboard test.... this separation test simulates really well the 2D separation of a good target in iron - the so-called shallow separation. - because this type can separate targets well, let's say to a depth of 8-10 cm.max

In ...Monte's 2D separation test, find out really well which coil or detector program setting can give you the best results in the given "2D separation" test..
I fully trust this test...and I have very good experience with it in detection...where a good detector with an optimal coil for 2D separation...can comfortably unmask the last ... good shallow targets between iron....


The 12 cm concentric coil on this detector provides the best separation results in the Monte performance nailboard test. at the optimal setting. on 1 frequency but also in multi-frequency...

ATREX -12cm CC coil.jpg 

the detector on such a setting .. was able to detect and pull out in iron .. 2 really good targets ... both signals gave correct VDI and signal graph of the target in the cross  signal control.. in multyfrequency programIMG_20221111_021259.jpg

... the number of unsolicited waste... to detect 2 good targets... for me it is an important parameter in detection... in 3.5 hours detection


The optimal  coil on the detector ..really delivered... excellent results in the Monte Performance Nailboard Test separation test...but it also managed to find another 2 good targets in 3.5 hours of detection... !!!



Finally, I want to say that if you need to search for deeply buried targets... you will need a detector and a coil that can pass the 3D deep separation test... /10-30 cm deph / and that is quite different testing compared to the Monte Performance Separation test...

3D depth separation test - a small 16.5mm  nickel coin in a depth of 11 cm...


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Don't forget many manufacturers give the machines to these you tubers to play with and keep so expecting an unbiased review is unlikely.

Tests I do is target for target in the field which proves much more to me. When hunting with buddies I make sure I am not using the same setup as they are. You would be surprised how similar the machines really are in depth and performance.

Often people get snubbed for using older or less expensive machines and you will notice that posts often have Name Brand finds Gold or Deep Silver when in reality more often than not just about any machine can find those targets.

I almost didn't buy a D2 because of the outrageous claims that were made. I stopped posting my finds because people more interested in the settings and machine used than the finds themselves.

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