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Looking For Deep Search Machine: Axiom Or GPX 5000

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Hello everyone !

new user here, first of all thanks for this awesome forum, well made and functional.

I have been detecting for a couple years now with my trusty companion equinox 800 that follows me in steep mountain climbs, long hikes and swims to get to remote areas were ancient settlements can be found without trash.

I mainly search in low trash environments, for obvious reasons, but often the geological deposit is too high to get to the desired historical level and my VLF just can’t find any target under 20cm.

For this very reason I was looking for a good PI machine, packable in a backpack, that can help me go deeper to the relics/hoards i’m looking for, without going on bulky machines that make you dig 2 meters for you need a damn excavator (those PI that you bring around in two person used by the military to find unexploded ordinance or bombs).

For obvious reasons the Garrett AXIOM should be my choice (modern, lightweight, ironcheck, ergonomic, easy setup..) but i’m just afraid it can’t pack the punch that I need to go deeper.

In comparison I’m looking at the Minelab GPX5000 (older, heavier, bulky, iron reject, huge aftermarket for coils, hard to learn) that being around for more than 10 years has been tested and tested again, proving itself a well made machine that should suit my needs.

Now, I know technology has made big steps forward in the last 10 years, but i’m doubtful wether to trust a new product that hasn’t been reviewed as well as an other, overall when buying a detector that costs 4000€ !!

In my opinion all the ergonomics and versatility of the AXIOM can’t come without any loss in other aspect….

maybe the energy that flows through the coil of the GPX (seen that huge battery pack) is more than the AXIOM, hence less reach ?

Maybe the AXIOM has been developed too specifically for gold and less for silver and bronze ?

I’m afraid that the AXIOM is just a very very good upgrade to my EQUINOX, and not a deep machine like i’m looking for ! 

Earlier I have posted the video that made doubt between the two machines, i’ll post it again here to make you understand the kind of depth and targets i’m looking for with this new machine:

Please help me ! Its now months i’m choosing and start to feel philosophically undecided like Soren Kierkegaard ?

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If you are after relics in mineralized soil, the Axiom punches as deep as the now discontinued GPX 5000.  I sold my GPX 4800 once I proved this for myself on a couple of multi day relic outings.

The compact form factor and ergonomics do not limit the Axiom's power or depth capabilities vs. the discontinued GPX legacy machines.  This is further demonstrated by  Minelab's light and powerful  GPX 6000 PI, but exorbitant cost, demonstrated reduced quality control, lack of a ferrous check/blanking feature, and overly automated controls made the Axiom the better choice than either the GPX 4800/5000 or GPX 6000 for me as a relic hunter.  A gold hunter might have a different opinion regarding small gold performance on Axiom vs. GPX 6000, but that is not my area of expertise, and from what I understand, the performance difference, if any, is small and subject to debate.

@Steve Herschbach has made it abundantly clear in numerous posts regarding his experiences in helping to develop and test Axiom, that power and depth performance vs. the legacy GPX machines (i.e., pre-GPX 6000), there is practically no performance difference.

Suggest doing a deep dive here searching on Axiom and Steve's user name.  Good luck.

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Hey Chase Goldman thanks for your reply.

I’m not looking to search only in mineralized soil, obviously that’s a condition that i might face sooner or later ! 
does this make any difference on the type of machine ?

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If you are looking more for relic/hoards etc over say specific gold in bad ground conditions then possible a Nexus MP may be the way forward as these machines will cope with very bad soil conditions and also have discrimination as well.This is the reason why i have 2 Nexus machines as they certainly are encroaching on GPX performance and may even be deeper especially with the big dual coils on.

Of course only a suggestion.

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30 minutes ago, RickUK said:

If you are looking more for relic/hoards etc over say specific gold in bad ground conditions then possible a Nexus MP may be the way forward as these machines will cope with very bad soil conditions and also have discrimination as well.This is the reason why i have 2 Nexus machines as they certainly are encroaching on GPX performance and may even be deeper especially with the big dual coils on.

Of course only a suggestion.

Hey Rick !

thanks for the suggestion, I have evaluated Nexus, but the thing looks too sketchy to me, and the company doesn’t inspire trust in me. I rather go with some well known producers like Minelab or Garrett when it comes to spend a lot of money.

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55 minutes ago, RickUK said:

If you are looking more for relic/hoards etc over say specific gold in bad ground conditions then possible a Nexus MP may be the way forward as these machines will cope with very bad soil conditions and also have discrimination as well.This is the reason why i have 2 Nexus machines as they certainly are encroaching on GPX performance and may even be deeper especially with the big dual coils on.

Of course only a suggestion.

But since you own two machines and you recommended the brand now you are making me again more indecided !

whats the deepest target you ever found with it ? Being from UK you must be after the same loots that I am.

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Keeping to your original question - Axiom or GPX 5000 - you may be better served by the GPX 5000 in your case due to the superior coil selection. If you are looking for larger than coin size objects like that pot of coins, something like an 18" Nugget Finder mono on a GPX 5000 would have an edge over the Axiom 14x16 mono, currently the largest Axiom coil available. You seem skeptical of the Axiom anyway so why bother? Other than ergonomics and sensitivity to small targets there is no particular reason to go Axiom over the GPX 5000.

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10 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Keeping to your original question - Axiom or GPX 5000 - you may be better served by the GPX 5000 in your case due to the superior coil selection. If you are looking for larger than coin size objects like that pot of coins, something like an 18" Nugget Finder mono on a GPX 5000 would have an edge over the Axiom 14x16 mono, currently the largest Axiom coil available. You seem skeptical of the Axiom anyway so why bother? Other than ergonomics and sensitivity to small targets there is no particular reason to go Axiom over the GPX 5000.

Hey steve !

thanks for the reply.

I have to say i’m more of a minelab fan, but not a fanatic.

You only spoke about coil choice, but the minelab has many flaws due to its age that the axiom compensates quite well (waterproof, weight, ergonomics, ease of use, iron check..) and i’m quite sure that the machine will be soon supplied with a variety of coils due to the popularity it will inevitably gain.

So i say, if you think that the Axiom compared with the GPX in same coil setup are comparable, I would totally go for the Axiom for the above written reasons.

what do you say ?

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You say that being 'packable in a backpack' is a major requirement....this leads to the Axiom once again. This is something that the GPX will struggle with. I think your decision is already made for you....

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