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Back In The Game, Thanks Y'all

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Yep, any day with an IHP is a good day!?

Didn’t know you were out of commission, but I’m glad you’re back!

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Too bad there isn't anything historical in your yahd ! 

Everything is. Probably even the trash....

So you're OK for anything except football ??

Every time I detect I keep going till it hurts .

Sometimes it happens sooner than others .

It's what it is. 



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Excellent on both accounts.

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17 minutes ago, Geologyhound said:

Yep, any day with an IHP is a good day!?

Didn’t know you were out of commission, but I’m glad you’re back!

Thanks Ghound,

Yeah, last Sunday I fell 8 feet out of my attic onto the ladder on the floor that kicked out, and completely dislocated my left shoulder. The ER doc refused to give up and helped me get the arm back in, an extremely painful experience that even morphine didn't help much ?

I was really nervous after a lot of Internet "lawyers" comments about recovery time, but today the doc cleared me for detecting. ?

So I had to copy you and get an IHP ?

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21 minutes ago, rvpopeye said:

Too bad there isn't anything historical in your yahd ! 

Quite the opposite, the first stuff came from there, some colonial buttons, a few musket balls, and a WW1 service button. ? And a ton of construction crap ?

Cider Vinegar has been my friend for a while now after a long day in the fields or on the beach. That and ibuprofen. ?

I feel better the more I do it, not less ?

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5 minutes ago, F350Platinum said:

Thanks Ghound,

Yeah, last Sunday I fell 8 feet out of my attic onto the ladder on the floor that kicked out, and completely dislocated my left shoulder. The ER doc refused to give up and helped me get the arm back in, an extremely painful experience that even morphine didn't help much ?

I was really nervous after a lot of Internet "lawyers" comments about recovery time, but today the doc cleared me for detecting. ?

So I had to copy you and get an IHP ?

Ouch! At least no bones broken.

Now I need to find a $20 gold piece for you to copy…?

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That was a quick recovery 350! I see an xtreme hunter accessory package along with a new pick and no.2 round point shovel in your future.

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