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XP Now Has A U. S. Ambassador

Bill (S. CA)

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1 hour ago, markinswpa said:

What happened from the guy from South Carolina, I though the was the main stain for XP.

Bingo! You and Jeff M have hit the proverbial nail on the head! This guy has taken a lot of shots over the bow of Minelab and in my conspiracy orientated mind this was most likely a very cunning and well executed plot from the git go.And guess what ladies and gents XP gobbled the bait hook line and sinker.Congrats Merrill and mission accomplished you have now entered the big leagues! Now all that is left to see is that if you can get beyond your silly B.S.and rise up to the occasion?

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Meh, I'm going to stick with Gary. I think XP could have chosen a much less flamboyant individual as America's representative.

I appreciate Gary's low key, no frills videos and plain straightforward instruction.

But then again I don't really need anyone to follow. 🤔 At one time that was the point in this country. 🤪

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I'm 50/50 on watching his videos. He gets the entertainment part of You Tube, and he is bearable when he sticks to detecting. Some of his informational views on detecting don't align with how I hunt. I usually lose interest when these guys and girls start traveling the world. Being an Ambassador for XP is probably good for XP. It won't sway my opinions of them, as the are (in my opinion) the most influential and direct competition to Minelab. Merrill is only my choice from my second batch (tier) of detecting videos, when I'm bored. I watch him only when I can't find a new video from DetectorComparison or the Hoover Boys. He's in the category with Stealth Diggers, Dig that Beep, Detecting America, etc...) Not bad, but not my first choice in viewing. In my eyes, XP doesn't even need anyone to push them. They make a fine machine and if you watch a lot of videos, the Deus II is replacing a lot of previous Minelab machines. Now they are using a Deus. Kind of like Minelab did to Garrett when they started to take over the detector of choice in videos.

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Actually to tell the truth, I like his mudlarking videos in newyork better than his metal detecting videos, he has a real unique opportunity to have a place like that to mudlark, theres nothing like that by me, so I find it fascinating

I also am a sucker for his 'unlock' segments, I find them trippy and is probably literally the main reason I watch his channel, I want to see sushi unlocked and hagendaz unlocked trippiness every video

I was really surprised his last official xp video he showed us how to pinpoint targets, like he just learned that, where as I seen other youtubers do it plenty of times, I asked him if he used the pinpoint button before if he just learned how to do it without the feature, bit he didnt answer me

I am also a bit disappointed we probably won't see him toying with his nexus or whatever its called, he did a video on it talking about analog machines, I can't afford a 5000 dollar nexus machine so I was hoping to see him do some videos on it in the future, he made me consider getting a analog machine, I seen some good videos on the fisher cz21 in YouTube

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The words gone mad! But a guy who owns"17 detectors" can't be all bad. 🙃

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Congratulations Merrill!

He has a way of providing concepts that transfer. His descriptions of fill allowed me to understand my own parks non point source drainage in addition to being able to identify fill areas. I think that saved me a lot of time under the learning curve sun. I also appreciated his detailed description of beach sand erosion and the way to identify eroded areas, again that helped me to understand my own landscapes where wind can get down to surface indicators of old soil.

Merrill is in a location where the modern climate has allowed him to learn how to hammer the gold out of the coast. That fundamental condition and talent is something to invest in if you are XP.

He is very capable of producing entertaining videos that educate new detectorists as an artist and a teacher himself. He is not afraid to ask basic questions, and if cannot figure it out he will dig down until he gets the answer. He will get better with the D2 as time goes on. There will be plenty who learn with him in the years to come.

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