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Greetings From Indiana


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Just joined the forum and wanted to say hello!

I have been detecting since starting in the early 70's with a Jetco Mustang.

The last detector I picked up was a Garret about 12 years ago and I am looking at getting a new machine. I ran across this forum while looking up some of the new offerings of today.

Best of luck to all,


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Welcome from East Texas.

While good sites to detect are getting harder to find than in the past, the equipment we have available today is really phenomenal.  You will be pleasantly surprised if you decide to get a new detector. So many excellent units to choose from at prices that are the same or often less than what we paid 15- 20 years ago.

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Welcome aboard Goonie ! ?‍☠️ I B A pirate too ! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

You weren't actually in the movie were you ? That would be ?


New detector hunting huh ? What do you prefer to look for and where ,and maximum budget you have to spend will help us a bunch with recc's of that dream detector you seek..


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Welcome, @GooniePirate! Lot's of great stuff here, and you'll find plenty of advice on all kinds of new machines.

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Yeah , had a urchin diver friend that never surfaced as a teen.

Makes ya think twice about everything you do on the ocean.

Didn't stop me from doing the risky stuff , just did it slower .  LOL.

That was before I "grew up"  ,,,I spent my life wearing all the hats on my dream job doing live sound for touring bands .

But a couple years after I retired I decided to become a pirate first chance , a friend said more like fat chance . 

So , I sent in my resume and whaddayaknowwwww I got a call !  Passed the audition ( I wasn't shy and didn't freeze up in front of an audience).  And there I was, a 53yo professional pirate ! It was just in a theme park but it was a real ship and those kids sure thought I was real !   One of my fave tours ever !

Now , I'm just that old guy with the detector over there !  They don't have to know about the pirate ... ya know , the wardrobe lady told me to sing row row row your boat with the kids,,,,,well she almost got that.... I thought it was lame almost as much as the kids did. So I did it,,,, Pirate Version ! The ship already had the oars built in.

Row , Row , Row the ship , across the ocean green.

Merrily , merrily , merrily , merrily...


I still sing it now ,,,while I'm detecting arrrrrrrr !






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