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GPZ 7000 And X CC Coil Question?

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Hi fellas,

first day using gpz 7000 in WA with X concentric coil 22.  I found it was not sensitive at all and a bit of noise too.

so basically my dad used gpx 6000 and picked up an alumimum foil (small fingernail size) and i test it with x coil..no signal can't tell. i then swing it on top the coil as well, also not much singal that I would tell.  I wonder what the problem is? 

Also another question is, with ground balance, I would like to know do you have to use 'quick start' to do ground balance, or you can just simply press quick trak and swing without using 'quick start' button?

Many thanks,


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You're not going to use a 22" coil for sensitivity to small targets, although for its size its more sensitive due to the windings than a 22" coil would normally be, it's a bigger deep gold hunting coil.  

If you pick a standard target size so I can use the same target, and tell me the settings you used I would be able to do a test to make sure yours equals mine in performance as a guideline.

Don't test with aluminium foil, use some lead or small gold to try it out.

When you say noise what do you mean? I saw you bought your coil second hand, if it's got bump sensitivity or something that could be why the previous owner sold it off.  It shouldn't have bump sensitivity.  If you mean noise like EMI, it's a big coil, a big antenna so you have to adjust settings accordingly. 

You can use the quick trak, it's best to be in semi-auto too according to X-coils.

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2 hours ago, phrunt said:

use some lead or small gold to try it out.

Or @Ethan in Adelaide, if you want Simon to test his machine against yours, use a 10 or 20 cent piece - something that he can replicate exactly.  It is only going to be an air test and won't replicate ground conditions, etc, but it will give you an idea if your machine/coil are substandard. 

Do you have the original 14" coil or other coils you can run on the 7000?  Do they work?  

Have you tried a Factory Reset of the 7000 just in case some settings somewhere in the 7000 are way out of whack?  

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  • The title was changed to GPZ 7000 And X CC Coil Question?
On 6/7/2024 at 2:24 PM, Jonathan Porter said:

Not sure if FB link’s work on the forum. I put up a video up a few days ago showing my recommended ferrite balance methods. 

The video is clear and, as usual, informative without being too esoteric. Thanks JP.

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On 6/8/2024 at 6:54 AM, Jonathan Porter said:


Not sure if FB link’s work on the forum. I put up a video up a few days ago showing my recommended ferrite balance methods. 


Hi JP,

I did exactly samething as you did. the only thing is, after ferrite ring balance, i sometimes pump the coil and still the noise won't go as i pumped it. becasue the hot rocks just too hot?




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