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3d Mapping Test - Please Help

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I've been working on a 3D mapping system. I've put together a sample map of Rich Hill, Arizona with some mine information.

There is a bunch of stuff these maps can do but I'm not sure if they will work on enough peoples browsers to make it worthwhile to pursue development of this system.

Please give it a try and tell me what you think. (Caution - this is about a 7 megabyte map and may take a while to load if you are on a slow connection)
3D map HERE.

You can move around in the 3D environment with your mouse. Pan, Zoom and get Information from the mines. Try typing in an "r" and watch the mountain spin in 3D. Type an "l" to turn on or off the mine labels. It's a lot of fun and could be a cool feature for researchers if it works for enough people.

This map is smoking fast on my development machine using the latest Firefox browser but doesn't work at all on my Safari browser. It works in Edge, Internet Explorer and Firefox on my Windows 10 computer but it's clunky. It doesn't work very well on my Windows XP machine in the latest Firefox.

Give it a try and let me know if you like it or hate it. If it's working well for you might consider going to a bigger map version for more fun.

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Works good in Chrome and is real fast and smooth, that's on a 16 core dual Xeon setup.

One issue I am having is that the keyboard controls intermittently work. The mouse controls (rotate and zoom) always work though. Once I reloaded the keyboard controls worked, but then stopped after I changed tabs. Reloading didn't help that time, but clicking on the information button made them start working again.

I have Adblock+ enabled, not sure if that makes any difference or not.

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Thanks for the input guys. Overall this experiment is working out pretty well.

Rick this is closer to being something you can do than you probably imagined. Once I've built the whole system I'll give you the lowdown on how it works. If you're interested I'll hook you up with the new tools.

jasong I doubt the Adblock would make a difference. This is strictly javascript and html and there are no third party connections needed to display and run the map. I'm guessing the reason you are losing key commands is because the smaller map is in an embed within the page. Once you click away from the embed space the map doesn't get anymore input until you click on it again. Try the bigger map and I'll bet you don't lose key commands as long as you are on the page. There is no embed on the bigger map.

I'll put a frame around the embedded map so that issue is clearer to the user.  Jasong your input makes it clear there needs to be some interface improvements. Thanks again.   :biggrin:


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It worked fine on my Windows laptop.  There were a couple of 'cursor movement' issues that I thought could be confusing. Maybe these are what we used to call 'features'.  (1) On a horizontal cursor drag on the lower half of the map, the the map rotates the direction of the drag. On the upper half of the map, it rotates the opposite the drag direction. This was counter-intuitive  to me as a user.  (2) On a vertical cursor drag, you can actually 'flip the map' so that you are looking at the back or underneath. 

It all depends upon what you were trying to achieve. Looks pretty good!  Take it for what its worth from an old software HMI developer.




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My Windows 10/Chrome/EeePC can't handle it.  It is just black and frozen after the mine and placer names show up.


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