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Nugget Finder Solid Skid Plate For GPZ 19″ Coil

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Can we get those in the United States yet? I tried to purchase it before and it wouldn't let me.

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I think Lunk was 'waiting' and he decided to make his own.  I hope he posts a picture.

His design allows for a space so the sand can pass under the coil rather than catch in the cover as it would in this design.


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I have made my own Norvic solution which really isn't cheaper.

One reason to have it appears for the stability and the swing control without catching on ALL the plants.

The deserts I go to have had more rain than anytime in the last few years.  As a result there is growth everywhere.  That makes it difficult to swing any big coil.  If I found a lot of gold in an area I would clean away the growth but first things first.

I'll be using the small coil a lot to avoid some of the green brush.


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Heh MN, not my solution is Phoneix`s, I just love it and am replacing all coil covers with it, tis way to go for me. Just done the Z14 ready for the 17 season, see how it goes, but not for stability on the 14 as it achieved on the 19, just cos its tough as and lightweight. No more unclipping and emptying out. But it sure collects grass seeds on the 19. Invert every 10m or so no drama, cattle producers will employ us as seed spreaders :wink:

Grass will also be a nuisance this year in my neck of AUs woods, but in some ways that is good as seems the gold producing patches sometimes produce less grass. Suspect related to the other minerals shed from reefs that don`t produce good grass growing soils. Phh.... don`t know just a "maybe" observation.

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On 4/20/2017 at 9:36 AM, Norvic said:

Heh MN, not my solution is Phoneix`s, I just love it and am replacing all coil covers with it, tis way to go for me. Just done the Z14 ready for the 17 season, see how it goes, but not for stability on the 14 as it achieved on the 19, just cos its tough as and lightweight. No more unclipping and emptying out. But it sure collects grass seeds on the 19. Invert every 10m or so no drama, cattle producers will employ us as seed spreaders :wink:

Ok, I swing corrected.  Here is my update.

The piece of polycarbon I bought is 1/8" thick.  At first there is a 'heavy shock' and I would probably recommend half that thickness if you can get it.

Once I got the hipstick adjusted it actually performed quite well being more like a bulldozer on the grass.  It has its place but not every place.  

My attachment system is the Lunk method.  There is a picture hanger from 3M called Command.  You press two surfaces together and they 'click' and this leaves a space which makes it easy to tilt the coil and get the sand, seeds, leaves and stuff off the coil.  You don't need to do a full raise.

I attached it to my siliconed cover and I can remove it and replace it as the hangers are similar to Velcro.  I could have attached it to the coil and saved some weight.  There is no falsing.  The shock of hitting a rock has been dampened by the two systems I have on it.

Now for the 14.  I have the aftermarket Miner John.  This has been silicon sealed and I don't need anything else for that.  Nothing gets in.

That coil got me 4 more meteorites yesterday at Gold Basin for about 160g.  It was too late in the day for me to swing the 19.  :ph34r:


I cleaned them up a bit so now ...


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Yeah, the polycarb I got is only 0.8mm, which is about 1/3 of your 1/8inch. Think that is ample thickness, plus you can cut it with tin snips as per Phoneixs post. But I think that it is adhered to the 19 is what makes for the stability, stops the flexing. Pfff.... whatever it just works.

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