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What Was Your 1st Detector?

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The first was the White's V-Sat Gold Master, FT 16000, later the X-TERRA 705, and started getting more serious about it all - jumped in with the Garrett ATX, CTX 3030, GPX 5000, SDC 2300, and current the GPZ 7000.  Now I need more TIME!!!!


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My 1st Detector was a Heath kit and radio shack I got for a 2 for 1 deal as a kid at a yard sale. From hard earned money from mowing lawns too. And raking pine needles, shoveling snow, picking up dog sausages. Then acquired a old whites goldmaster. Then a whites spectrum. 

Then after the dredging moratorium started. I wanted to learning detecting for gold. Got a new whites goldmaster. But that didn't fill my need to find bigger pieces of gold that I was used too from dredging. So I saved and was able to get a GPX 5000. And was able to learn the ropes from some experienced people. Then had a sdc 2300 for a spell. Then got the 7000. Also have the xp deus and makro gold racer. 

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2010 Borrowed bounty hunter, immediately got an ACE 250, found clad for 6 months.

fazed out on detecting for a couple years.

2014 got an MXT pro to find nuggets, maybe hunt relics. I found one nugget, then spent 1000's of hours relic hunting and loving every minute of it!

Still want to find some more nuggets! ?

Edit: I may get a Deus someday, or AT pro at least, change it up a bit.

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