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Minelab GPX 5000 Versus GPZ 7000

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Editors Note: This topic was split from the following thread - http://www.detectorprospector.com/forum/topic/3923-semi-auto-gpz-ground-balance/


I believe there is a lot of reasons of trying to turn  GPX into a GPZ.

They wont be never the same thing since they are in different technology .

But anyone would like to walk around with an more affordable machine that could pack a punch of the " GREATEST".

Im someone who started metal detecting and someday looking to upgrade to a heavier and more powerful machine.  

So after reading the pro and cons of each one i would pick a GPX over GPZ even if i found a Pound of Gold.  

-Lightest machine? GPX wins even with a larger coil.

-Coils price and more coil options? GPX takes that.

-immune to the hottest of ground? GPX i guess wins this since is a PI. Dont know where that ground exist but i know is out there.

Okay so i have seen running a GPX with one of the newer coils could match the performace on depth on sub-gram nuggets and up.

Now the GPZ would clearly stand out on tiny, spongy and specimen gold.  But wouldnt you have enough money left to even buy a SDC  2300?

I just dont see the reason of boasting a machine for ability to pick up super tiny gold when you need to pay so much for it.  That headline for me fits more a GM1000 since its a way less expensive machine.  

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The Z is much more than a machine for small spongy gold. The biggest advantage it had over my 5000 was its ability to handle the ground better then the 5000. Much quicker detecting because it does not give the same number of false signals the 5000 does and that is partly because of its superior auto GB. The 5000 and the PIs before it very often cancelled out gold in auto GB thus most users I know used them in manual. The Zs auto GB doesn`t suffer this anywhere near as much thus can be confidently used in auto gb. It also has on most gold got better depth. 

But I stress this is my take on the Z over the 5000, I also have a GM1000, and for its made purpose it is a top little detector but not the producer the Z is, nor is it in the class of the 5000.

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You are not trying to make a gpx into a gpz.  Some folks that have/had a 5000 want the gpz to behave similarly-it  just ain't so!

You have good reasons for your choice. The cost of a detector is relative to the worth and joy you get from it.  I hope you do very well with the 5000.

  I, on the other hand, have found my currently available electronic soul-mate with the GPZ 7000.

The machine does everything I want with one coil, one control box and very simple operation. I would not trade it for a new 5000, 2300 and Gold Monster combined...

I will admit that I have the 19 inch coil waiting to give me even greater joy-or sorrow- depends on how I do with it.

I do not denigrate anybody's choice...but, a new machine and new technology requires new learning, in my never, ever humble opinion.

best wishes 


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I think Fred said most of what I could have said but I will add that Fred said that partly based upon the different types of ground that we must hunt to find gold.

Your choices in the Dominican Republic (if that is where you mostly hunt) would be much more limited than our deserts, mountains and plateaus. We end up with an array of ironstones and hot rocks that the Zed handles better than our previous choices.

Fred has also detected in Australia before he got his 7000 so his humble opinion has been tainted with that experience as well.

All of us hope you find lots of nuggets no matter what detector you use and would be interested in learning more about the challenges where you detect.



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I have read upon mix reviews on how it handles the ground / hot rocks. But i guess this is probably different for everyone at every different place and certain hot rocks could be picked up more with one then the other and visa versa.  

The faster response of the Zed is nice since i have notice from youtube videos you have to very slow sweep over some targets to get a signal but with such a large coil and heavy weight guess you wont be sweeping TOO fast. 

But is nice to see what everyone thinks about what is better for them after all. To me in the world of mining you would always want to invest in what you believe you could end up paying off better with a Price / performance ratio. So you must know where you at.  




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