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TDI Super Pulse 350 Coil On Sale

Rod K

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Anyone familiar with this coil for the Whites TDI's? I just ordered one from Whites. They have them for sale right now for $35 + shipping so for that price i figured i would try one. If you want one better get it while they last.


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Nobody has used one of these coils yet? If you have, what do you think of it? How does it compare to the Miner John 8.5"x11"? Any insight appreciated.

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So not a good choice for nugget hunting huh? Ohh well, for $42 with shipping still not a Bad buy. lol

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I dont own one of those coils that they have on sale,if i lived across the pond then i would have bought one,but the shippings costs and import duty would have not made it viable,i do own one of those large Jimmy Sierra coil ie bottom right,its a beast of a coil not only size wise but weight wise as well,but when Jimmy shut his online store they had been selling them brand new at stupidly low price and i mean crazy low.

You cannot go wrong on the prices on the Whites website on the sale items

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well the Whites sale is over,but just had a phone call from Scotland and they can ship me over at basically the same price a 6'' Mono coil for my TDI Pro,so will be on the next shipment from across the pond to the UK.

Always had terrific customer service from Whites scotland and i assume it would be the same across the pond.

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I hunted with mine at an old school yard where coal waste has been discarded for many decades.  The coil seemed to run fairly good.  Noticed a few things:

Actual ground balance was actually a little higher than with my other coils. 

Increasing the delay didn't change the GB as much as my other coils.

It was obvious when the GB balance was off by the increased false audio reports.

I could actually run gain to 7, but past that the machine would false in this bad ground. 

Very good coverage.

Felt lighter than the 12" stock coil

I could actually pinpoint better (off the front end of the coil) than the stock coils.  My holes were noticeably smaller due to better target location.

Plenty deep enough, I know some may laugh, but I dug beer beaver tails at 6" in this terrible ground.

No gold jewelry was found this time.



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Butting in on Fred's thread , I have been given I believe an older re built  beat up TDI . I run a SDC in Aus and was hoping to search a with a little more depth . It has been suggested by the repairer / rebuilder that it will be very useful with a commander 17 x 13 mono . My question is what about this super pulse 350 any comments on using it for gold in the G T .( heavy mineralised soil )



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