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Doc's Detecting Has Moved ! New 4500 Sq Ft Warehouse


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Hey Doc,

   I wish you would stop bragging all the time!  Haha .... I'm proud to be one of your close friends.  You have always treated me like a damn Son when it comes to being a dealer.  You're the best US Distributor anyone could ask for.  

Your Honestly, Integrity, Trust and Work ethics have placed you on top of the Metal Detecting Industry!

Your bud,

Rob Allison :biggrin:

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4 hours ago, Rob Allison said:

Hey Doc,

   I wish you would stop bragging all the time!  Haha .... I'm proud to be one of your close friends.  You have always treated me like a damn Son when it comes to being a dealer.  You're the best US Distributor anyone could ask for.  

Your Honestly, Integrity, Trust and Work ethics have placed you on top of the Metal Detecting Industry!

Your bud,

Rob Allison :biggrin:

Wow Rob, thank you.  Do you want me to send the check to the same address I always use?  :laugh:

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Dear Rob,

Sorry I didn't mean to brag.  But you know this industry / hobby, word travels fast and we live and die by what people think of us.  To have a rumor floating around that I went out of business and had financial problems is like industry homicide.  Someone kills you and your business with rumors that are 1000% fictitious.

I think the way this rumor got started was that I went out of business was that in the interim of remodeling and selling my building and looking for a a nice warehouse to rent, I rented some warehouse space from someone in the fabricating and distribution industry.  I had no financial ties with this company, other than they were kind enough to rent me some space temporarily, so I could move out of my building to do the remodel while I looked for a new permanent location to rent.

Nice warehouse space in the Las Vegas area is at a premium.  You have to jump on it within the first hour it is listed and get out there to see it, and put a deposit down if you want it.  Nice space gets snapped up literally within hours of listing it.

I went to view one warehouse and there were three other interested parties there and they were already in a bidding war.  So I just left.  I just got really lucky on the location I have now.  It is really nice and an exceptional location.  Right off I-215 at Gibson road.  Easy off and easy on the 215 to get to the warehouse.

Well the party that I was temporarily renting some warehouse space from had to make some modifications to their corporate structure.  This included downsizing their Las Vegas location and moving some of their manufacturing to a different location out of state.   As I said I was not involved in any of that, I was just a renter.  However, when customers came to see me at this temporary location and my landlord had moved, and I had already moved to my new warehouse, they jumped to the conclusion that maybe I went out of business.

Nothing could have been further from the truth, it was just a transitional period between selling my office building and finding a new bigger, better location for Doc's Detecting Supply.


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Hey I want to come by for a visit and a tour next time I am in Vegas. I will contact you and make arrangements in advance so the times are all arranged.
I hadn't come by your old office in a long time because my old bullet proof vest doesn't fit anymore and I'm too cheap to get a new one......
Plus I got tired of being repeatedly carjacked.

So I am looking forward to seeing your new place. I'm sure I will be suitably impressed.

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1 hour ago, Reno Chris said:

Plus I got tired of being repeatedly carjacked.

Dear Chris,

I get that a lot!

I had this one customer that walked to my office from the strip.  I told him that was a bad idea as it was a bad neighborhood.  We said he was a coach at a high school and taught the wrestling team as he used to be a college wrestler.   We concluded our business.  I insisted that he allow me to give him a ride back to his hotel.  He vehemently refused.  

He takes off walking and about 10 minutes later is back at my office with a bloody elbow.  He said some jerk tried to rob him and he took him to the ground and broke the guy's arm.  This happened like two blocks from my office.  He said he knew he broke the robbers arm because he heard it and felt it snap.  The bad guy went running off down an alley screaming in pain.

The bad guy didn't get anything and my customer said he didn't want to file a police report.  I got out the first aid kit and bandaged him up.  This time he very graciously accepted my offer of a ride back to his hotel.


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Hey Doc,

   No reason to send a check, maybe the Truth Hurts! :biggrin:

I remember getting the calls about you going out of business.  Heck, I wasn't sure if it was true or not.  I guess we would be lying if we didn't believe some would want us to go out of business for one reason or another. 

I doubt I will ever more to a warehouse, I'm still pushing a long in a small office and garage. :blush:

That being said, I think we both live by the same business ethics. 

Take care,

Rob Allison
Rob's Detector Sales

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It is great to hear about your new location!  I know over the many years you have been in business, you always were "out there" with the newest and latest of goodies in the detecting realm.  I suddenly feel a bit of a crick in my almost 76 year old shoulder from patting myself on my back, for doing MY part in helping you get into that new dig whether in $$ just supporting Doc in some way.  I remember getting my Doc's Prospecting awesome hat and kangaroo nugget pouch as pleasant surprises over the years, writing supportive essays for you, like when your out of country pick supplier cut you off, ad infinitum...  You have been great always, I do miss your forum, with the great information on detectors and fun stories, such as the Horrible J Turn...  That forum was always a "go to" location when it was still around, for me and you faithful followers.

Thank you Doc, for all you have done for the hobby!

Gary Long/  ~LARGO~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Doc,

Why, I might just have to drop by the next time I'm in Vegas, which will be soon. I'd love to see your new location as the old one was definitely in a sketchy part of Vegas.

You've always treated me like gold, so I think it would be fun to see your new digs to see exactly what the expansion looks like.

I see you've received some sincere compliments on what a great guy you are, and they are well deserved.

All the best,


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