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Smallest Piece Of Gold With The 7000


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That is near the smallest it will go.  I think it hears smaller but you can't pinpoint it.


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Nice gold.

You gotta love the 7000, but on the other hand you got to hate all the tiny pieces of iron junk they target.  I have reached the point where if the target moves after a boot scrape I'm moving on.  How do you cope with this annoying problem?

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1 hour ago, hawkeye said:

Nice gold.

You gotta love the 7000, but on the other hand you got to hate all the tiny pieces of iron junk they target.  I have reached the point where if the target moves after a boot scrape I'm moving on.  How do you cope with this annoying problem?


You just described the way to deal with it! 

The 7000 gives you the clues and you scrape.  You hope it doesn't move but if it does then the chances of it being surface gold is based upon your other finds in the area.  Your human algorithms kick in.  I think of this as one of the strengths of the 7000 rather than an annoying problem.  

You can listen more closely and see if it has a gold sound.  Most of us with a 7000 'know' the gold sound but the facts are that we are often times fooled by targets.  Some gold does not sound like gold and some gold sounds turn out not to be gold.  Dig it all is our mantra.

When I'm at the beach with my 3030 I KNOW what a ring sounds like.  I can also see it on my screen.  The truth is there are only a few objects I see and hear that I won't dig.  The 3030 is killer at showing a bottle cap.  It is also killer at showing a bobby pin.  There are some all iron/steel objects I don't need to dig.  That helps a lot so I can dig better objects.  I can go broader and only see and hear 'the good stuff' but that is like patch hunting.

We are all hoping the Equinox will be more of a what you see (on the screen) is what you get type of detector.  I think people who have the Monster says it works that way for them.  I don't have one.

Annoying problem ... pinpointing.  Maybe it should be dealt with your way also.  If it moves with a scrape it is too small to want it anyway.  Move on ...


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Hawkeye,I  do just like you do but if the target still has that good mellow sound after i move it i will chase after it,this year i have been getting alot of small pieces in the .10 to .25 gram size.That's right JW can't let any pieces escape :wink:

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I agree with Mitchel.  Hardest part is pinpointing.  The smallest I found with the ZED wouldn't even measure on my scale, which will read hundredths of a gram.  But the only way I found to pinpoint these was to use the advice someone gave me on this forum: 

Once you move it in the pile, grab a fist full of dirt where you think it is at.  Check the pile with the ZED to see if it's still on the ground.  If it's in your hand, poor it over the area of the coil until you hear it.  Then lightly blow the dirt away.  The little tiger should be there smiling at you. :)

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