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When Will The Second Batch Arrive??


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2 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

I really don't mind waiting, I just really want a fair and even playing field and that has gone right out the window with this Cabelas thing. That is what stings.

Well said Chase.  Stings is a good word.  

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9 hours ago, NuggetBuddy said:

It appears that Cabela's was allocated an inventory based on history of previous sales, matched with a history of business relationship with Minelab in this PARTICULAR GENRE of metal detectors. What I'm observing is which dealer/s have the best relationship with Minelab in this particular GENRE of metal detectors. That is to say the $300 - $1500 price range. Your local small shop that has ONLY worked to sell 3030's, 4500's, and 7000's for example, will get less priority than those that sell X-Terra's, Excalibur's, and Gold Monsters.

The next logical observation is, "OK... So why doesn't Amazon and WalMart have an allocation then?" My guess is they buy in bulk and carry inventory. That means that Minelab gives them a "bulk discount", to store at their individual warehouses, making less profit. In other words, sure Walmart carries X-Terra's, but probably orders 10 at a time from Minelab once every 3 years, with a 35% profit margin. Cabela's on the other hand is a drop shipper, likely only making a 10% margin for simply taking an order, and NOT carrying inventory. Thus Minelab makes its max profits via Cabela's, matched with a history of Cabela's having the most sales in this particular genre of detectors.

In the end, I believe Minelab will indeed stock your Big Boy's, Kellyco's, etc., they just simply chose to launch what I believe to be a very limited inventory at this point, with the company that made the most business sense. So, it's not Minelab per sey, just the relationship individual dealers have with Minelab given a currently limited inventory. 

I want to thank you for your lengthy explanation of corporate greed! I've been in this Hobby off and on for 45 years... I guess I was just remembering the days when the manufacturers had somewhat of a relationship with the consumers. And from what I know Minelab is the most hated manufacturer! That has no loyalty to their customers (dealers) by allowing Cabela's to sell machines that were already spoken for!

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1 hour ago, Thegoldenone said:

I know Minelab is the most hated manufacturer! That has no loyalty to their customers (dealers) by allowing Cabela's to sell machines that were already spoken for!

I think it comes down to, "spoken for by who?" In our digital age, there are pretty reliable matrices in place to measure who is and isn't actually loyal to a manufacturer, purely based on sales. I don't think greed has anything to do with it, outside of any manufacturers normal motivation to maximize profits in a supply and demand scenario.

Moreover, being 45 years old, I don't see any evidence of corporations being any more or less "greedy" than they were 100 years ago. The thing that has changed in a HUGE way though, is how we access favor, credibility, and relationship with those we want something from. Sure, 50 years ago, the person at the front of the line for blessings was the guy whose wife baked a pie for the pastor every week. Now, its the person who comments the most/best on his Facebook page.

That said, I get it. I too am an impatient consumer regarding this particular product. I also wish my local dealers were on the Christmas cards list of the president of Minelab, but that just isn't the case.

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9 hours ago, relicmeister said:

Whatever logic Minelab uses it is clear that for them to take care of all the preordered equinoxes within their stated goal of the end of march (40 days), they will have to seriously up their shipping quotas to all dealers- regardless of whether or not they allocate whatever cabelas is.  To that end, i would expect the next shipment allocations to be much larger than the first one--- followed by another large one two weeks later. They surely won't get there shipping 2-3 at a time. Makes sense to me anyway. 

That's what I figured too. If this next round of releases doesn't have greater accessibility, then I'm going to start to worry about getting mine by my hopeful April 1st date.

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3 hours ago, Thegoldenone said:

I want to thank you for your lengthy explanation of corporate greed! I've been in this Hobby off and on for 45 years... I guess I was just remembering the days when the manufacturers had somewhat of a relationship with the consumers. And from what I know Minelab is the most hated manufacturer! That has no loyalty to their customers (dealers) by allowing Cabela's to sell machines that were already spoken for!

There are still a few, very few, metal detecting manufactures that form a good relationship with their customers, definitely not what I'm seeing from Minelab.

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9 hours ago, NuggetBuddy said:

I think it comes down to, "spoken for by who?" In our digital age, there are pretty reliable matrices in place to measure who is and isn't actually loyal to a manufacturer, purely based on sales. I don't think greed has anything to do with it, outside of any manufacturers normal motivation to maximize profits in a supply and demand scenario.

Moreover, being 45 years old, I don't see any evidence of corporations being any more or less "greedy" than they were 100 years ago. The thing that has changed in a HUGE way though, is how we access favor, credibility, and relationship with those we want something from. Sure, 50 years ago, the person at the front of the line for blessings was the guy whose wife baked a pie for the pastor every week. Now, its the person who comments the most/best on his Facebook page.

That said, I get it. I too am an impatient consumer regarding this particular product. I also wish my local dealers were on the Christmas cards list of the president of Minelab, but that just isn't the case.

Spoken for: the ones that pre-ordered!


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5 hours ago, Thegoldenone said:

Spoken for: the ones that pre-ordered!

I have one question for you, are you a Minelab troll?

There is only one moderator on these forums. The real issue is that this is an Equinox Fan Club. Let me quote from the Forum Rules pinned up top:

This is a fan club. It is a place for people who see the Equinox in a positive fashion. If you hold a generally negative view of the detector or Minelab, this is not the place for you.”

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