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The Absolute Last Thread About Availability Issues & Which Dealer Has What


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I'm looking to buy an 800 before I move to Costa Rica, hopefully sometime in the next couple months, so I took Steve's advice and started calling some people around me in the northeast. I was met with a lot of answers of people just basically tired of receiving calls asking about it. One guy even said he doesn't expect to have any extras until September. But that's how we are up here so I guess I should've called other areas of the country ha! I am on a list with Colonial Metal Detectors but his is just an email list and when he gets some, he sends out an email and people need to go to the site to order so if I'm not on top on my email I lose out. I'm going to call around today to see if I can find one somewhere else. I'll call Gerry in a little bit but I was kind of put off from calling and asking with the answers I got the other day.

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I emailed everyone on Minelabs list of dealers that had a website. All I wrote was do you have and Equinox 800's in stock if so please contact me and I left my email and phone number. All together I had 4 replies in two days and bought the 1st one

I copied and pasted about 50 times


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Yep gerry's detectors had 800s last week and I found one at earthstreasures in Montana two weeks ago the earthstreasures is a small gift/prospecting store in Bozeman may very well have one sitting there now! Calling is much better and yes you will get people who are sick of calls and nice people.anyway why I say calling is better because when I called and found mine the lady said she had 3 emails asking but since I called it was mine!

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I can tell yall this texhoma,gerry,dennis from metaldetectors. All returned my calls and gave me all the info they knew and got on list with no money down they all said they had more calls about 800 than they cared for but they all still called me back or talked to me about the situation maybe more than I wanted to talk!:) lol just saying they were good about it,I like the dealers opinions on detectors when I call not just about the 800

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Well I called Gerry this morning, got the voicemail/answering machine so I just hung up thinking I'd call back at a later time. I work as a cook/chef (not professionally  trained so I avoid the chef word out of respect) and I was starting to get busy. I was starting to email everyone on Minelab's list when a the phone rang. Well guess who it was? Gerry was returning my call, not because I left a message but just because he saw I called! I talked to him for a little bit, told him I wanted the Equinox 800, why I wanted it and he let me know that he has a very reasonable waiting list and asked if I wanted to get on it. I said of course I did! He took my name and contact information and told me he'd be letting me know something very soon. It's been said before and I'll say it again, Gerry is a stand up guy! I've never dealt with him before, he could walk right past me on the street and not know who I was and yet he took care of me like someone he has been doing business with for years! Thanks again Gerry and thank you to everyone on here that recommended him, for this machine and for anything else!

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Thanks for all the great comments guys.  Sorry I have not been on here much chatting detectors, sharing knowledge and or photos of finds, but my shop has been running 16 hours a day 7 days a week for the last few.  Those who personally know me realize I am a 1 man unit.  All orders of all major brands by me,  all shipping of all product by me, all billing by me and on top of that I help run our local MD'ing club, will be in NV training 17 clients with their gold detectors in the mud and still trying to reply to each email and phone message.  So yes it might take me a day to get back to someone, but my philosophy is to reply to each within 24 hours.  I will not be able to do this next week while I am out of office, as those 17 fresh shiny faces will be sucking gold detector knowledge from some of the best Nugget Hunters (my Field Staff) on this planet.  I even have one guy flying in from Maine.

Yes I jumped big and heavy early on the announcement and have been able to get my share of units to my customers.  Sorry for the delays those were out of dealers control, but things are looking better.  In fact my list is shorter now, so if you are in desire of an EQ-800 best get on it.  EQ-600's I have them in stock and can ship across the US.

Again, Thanks for the wonderful comments guys and when things slow down, you'll see me on here more..after I get to use it some.  

BTW, Yes I finally pulled one for myself last week, so I actually have used it.  The 1st silver dime and 1st silver quarter I dug with my new EQ-800 are pretty good for Idaho finds.



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A one man shop who wears all the hats running a business can be tough but it seems you’re doing an excellent job Gerry.

Congratulations on the Silver! Best of luck!

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