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Question For Those Who Own Equinox And AT Pro

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I have an AT PRO. I have an Equinox 800 on its way (very soon I hope). Is there any situation where you have found the ATP to be better? I have the 10” (actually have 2 of them) and 8” coils for it. Is there a reason to keep the ATP? I want to keep my detecting cost down but do not want to sell something and wish I had it back. I figure if I sell it I would get 50% of what I have invested in it. It has only gone through 12 sets of batteries in the 4 years I have had it. What are your thoughts?

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I don’t currently have an AT Pro but have had one. Only reason I can see to keep it is you can get coils and waterproof headphones for it now and not yet for Equinox. 

More generally I go through a lot of detectors. Sometimes one is obviously going to replace another, and I sell the one that is going away immediately. Sometimes I just don’t know how it will shake out, in which case I keep both until the issue settles itself. Any detector gathering dust I don’t need.

 My advice is if money is no issue keep the AT Pro for now, just in case. Once you have used a Equinox enough you are sure you are comfortable, let the AT go if you choose. That’s the safe way to go about it.

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Thank you Steve. I truly appreciate your advice.  I see where it might be beneficial to hang on to it until accessories are available for the 800. It is also good to know that there really is no need to hold on the ATP when coils and things become available the 800. Thank you. 

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I will add that although you may find the 800 will preclude the need to hang on to the AT Pro from a performance standpoint, depending on how frequently you detect or how hard it may be to get to decent sites, it is nice to have a backup machine just in case you have a technical issue with your primary machine that you either can’t resolve in the field, you have to send your primary machine out for repairs, or you want to bring a buddy/family member along to introduce them to metal detecting.

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Chase, what I was thinking was that if the 800 will work in all situations as good as the AT Pro then I could sell the AT Pro to purchase accessories.    I can see where having a backup could be a good idea if doing a lot of hunting.  Normally I do not get out near as much as I would like. Unfortunately things have changed. The first of November 2016 my wife (47) was diagnosed with terminal cancer. TWO WEEKS LATER my youngest daughter (turned 22 two days earlier) was diagnosed with a different terminal cancer.  My daughter passed May 15, 2017. My wife passed away January 25, 2018.  I am looking to occupy my time and thought learning a  new detector may be just the thing. 

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I echo Steve's comments above. You have a lot of grief to get through. May I suggest that if there is a metal detecting group in your area, that you could join them. The company of others with similar interests will help with the pain of your tremendous loss. As for the AT Pro, I would keep it until you have become familiar with the Equinox and able to decide which one you like best and then sell the other, if that is what you want to do.

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 Echoing what Steve said.  That really puts things in perspective. 

Hope you find peace and solace in this little distraction from the real world.  

Sometimes when I’m out in the fields the beeps are just background noise as I look out at nature and take stock of just how lucky I am and as I try to let to let the daily stresses of life take a back seat for awhile.  

You have had to endure more than your fair share, but persevere, carry on, and fight the good fight in their memory.  You deserve the brief, peaceful time outs detecting affords you.  Wishing you all the best.

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Lots of great comments here and I agree with all of them.  I'm still learning the ins and outs of my 800 and feel very comfortable with my ATPro which I've had for several years.  That said, I miss the ATPro battery setup and the ability to swap out weak batteries in a few seconds and actually go for many days on a rechargeable set of Eneloops.  I am still getting used to the idea that I have to remember to charge my Equinox after every day of detecting.  I have a good power bank, but that's not going to help in saltwater and it's one more thing to remember to bring along.

The other difference I've noted (other than the Equinox being a hotter machine) is the Equinox has a very sharp pin pointer and it takes a little more skill to zero in on a coin, for example, than the broader ATPro pinpointer at depth.  Part of the learning curve.

At this point, I plan on keeping my ATPro as a worthy backup machine and for those times I forget to plug my Equinox into the charger and if the Equinox ever needs to go for a repair.  Both great machines.

Question of the day.... where are the Equinox waterproof headphones now that I have some time on a sweet Gulf of Mexico beach?

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Wow that made me realize (again), how blessed we are to be able to get out and enjoy this hobby. Earthsweeper I look forward to hearing how you are doing with your detector. If you are ever out in the So. Cal. area let me know maybe we can get out for a hunt. Best wishes.

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