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Makro Gold Racer 7.5x4 Coil

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I got my new coil and played sick at work to run this thing on our claim. 

So the claim has lots of desert bed rock and very small gold on it. I have picked it over with the makro and the monster. Others have done the same with a sdc2300 and gb2. So, needless to say the pickings are slim these days. Matter of fact I have been skunked the last two times. Both of those times with the monster using the small coil. Not so this time out. I only found one small nug. It is .8 grains it was about 1.5"-2" down in a bedrock wedge. I am very happy with this coil. I really like the size and shape. I feel I could go toe to toe with a gb2 sniper coil, with this new setup. 

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So I went out again Friday, same place. Went to use the sniper coil as I have dubbed it. When I turned on the machine it went in to the overload sound. I Turned it off and back on same thing. Hooked up my 5inch round coil and it worked just fine. Detected with the 5 inch for a while, then retired the sniper. I got the exact same effect. Any thoughts? Could it be a bad Coil? Steve, thoughts.

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Take the coil cover off before you start it up. Then start it up and then put cover back on. My coil does same thing once in awhile. This always fixes the overload upon startup. The coil works fine after this procedure. Maybe steve can come up with some tech reason this might fix the overload. I have no clue. It just works. Everybody that had issue it work for them too after i told them. I had a 15 inch nokta coil that did the same. This procedure fixed it aswell.  Good luck

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