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Equinox Beach Finds 13-05-18

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Today i took the Nox out again and only the Nox "mistake" ! I went to the beach at around 12 noon so i could work the tide out then do the tops for the fresh losses and i am sure there would have been some . The machine behaved mostly lower down the beach between the tides where i found all the finds for today . I didn't have any gems this time , considering the conditions of the beach i am surprised . It looked good . 

But like i said it was a mistake to only take the Nox , normally i would take the Terra and change the machines over on the Anderson shaft. When i tried to use the Nox on the dry tops like the last trip i had nothing but interference from something . Maybe EMI from the clubs again or maybe mobile phones ?? plenty of people using them on the beach today . It got so bad that the headphones kept tripping out and the machines main speaker would go on , then the machine would just go silent like when the ET or Explorer's would nul on a target of Iron or something . I noise cancelled several times but it made no difference at all. So i gave up at around 4pm and headed home . My finds for today were £15.03p and 2 foreign coins .

It is an understatement to say how bad the conditions of the beaches i search are , and many think i am being negative . I'm not . From now i will only take the Nox out with the Terra 705 , it will mean more weight in the rucksack but its the only way to make sure i have a machine for all areas of the beaches i do . The Nox works in the water and up to the ridge where it gets level with the tops but on the tops its hopeless . I will have to visit another beach elsewhere at some point .

Tomorrow i am thinking using the ET so i can go on the tops and do a little in the tidals too , on that beach that and the Explorer 11 are the only machines i have that can do all areas without trouble . Except for some nulling on Iron and bonfire markings , that will be early in the morning at 5am till 10am if i go . Tuesday is a definite due to 6 days working after that. 

Very frustrating !

35) £15.03p FOUND 13-05-18 EQ.JPG

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Well done again.

I have one area up from the beach near a road where there is some buried cable.  I can't get near that place if people are there or not.

Yesterday I was under massive power lines in the mountains and I could still run the Nox at 22.



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I think its too much for the Nox a lot of the time . I cannot think of any other things that might be doing this . Its not the machine .

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I have noticed the NOX is sensitive to EMI. The beach can be a problem up on the dry sand, but I usually go into 10kHz in the dry sand, and that usually clears up most of it. Have you tried this?

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Yesterday under the power lines I had my cell phone with me.  These are the large transmission lines that keep the grid working.

I think now about my area of the beach I have a problem there are also large pumps running some of the time but all of that does not matter.  What matters is that it doesn't work THERE and another machine can ignore that EMI and do better.  I don't have an issue with my one location with EMI and the 3030.

The Minelab engineers should respond to some of this.

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39 minutes ago, mn90403 said:

The Minelab engineers should respond to some of this.

Be careful what you wish for. Equinox is very high gain and that leads to increased susceptibility to EMI. Reducing its susceptibility to EMI will not come without a resultant lessening of sensitivity to desired targets, especially smaller targets and the deepest targets. There is no free lunch.

Since Multi-IQ is receiving multiple frequencies it is more susceptible to EMI. Terry is right in that the single frequency options offer some relief in many areas. In general, low frequencies receive more undesired signals than higher frequencies, and if you flip through them 5 kHz is often the main culprit. 20 kHz on the other hand is usually very quiet by comparison.

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I will have to have another look at the single frequencies in the other modes . 

Blimby , single freqs aren't obsolete after all ! 

At least having the 705 and Nox together covers all the beach , and the ET too . If out tomorrow i will take the ET , it does it all on its own . Oh i wish it was lighter .

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I also think folks are hesitant to dial down on sensitivity as necessary to mitigate EMI related falsing.  I haven't done a scientific test to verify the detection depth vs. sensitivity curve, but based on the respectable beach recovery depths I have achieved even with sensitivity at a few clicks lower than 20, I imagine you can achieve significant relief from falsing at sensitivity settings near 15 yet still retain respectable recovery depth.

Optimal improvement in signal to noise ratio vice just raw target signal reduction can be achieved with relatively small reductions in sensitivity as the noise sensitivity can, in some cases, fall faster (on a percentage basis) than the target sensitivity.  In other words if relative target signal "S" amplitude drops from 10 to 7 while noise "N" drops from 4 to 2 by reducing detector sensitivity, then the signal to noise ratio (S/N) goes from 10/4 (2.5) to 7/2 (3.5) which can result in an actual increase in target detectability because of the greater signal to noise ratio.  Of course not all noise situations will respond as favorably to reductions in sensitivity and there is always a point of diminishing returns but its worth a shot before going to what I would consider more extreme measures such as forgoing the advantages of Multi IQ for single frequency operations. 

I know Steve and co. would only consider single once all other noise reduction options have been exhausted (i.e., auto noise cancel/manual noise cancel [800 only]/reduce sense/try another perhaps less than optimal mode/try single frequency/Use heavy segment notching/disc).

Not sure any of the above options would have helped Nuke, however, in the extreme EMI conditions described.  Sounded pretty nasty.

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I use my Nox nearly always at 20 or down to 18 but no lower . It should work fine at that on the tops . My Terra works well at 28 on the tops and the ET does too or even manual at 30 in places . The Nox is the only machine i have used on the dry tops on that beach that wont settle . I will have another look next week or maybe Tuesday this week . Maybe park 1 or 2 in 10khts .

I will still be getting my second machine .

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Nuke, you might try just seeing how far down you have to go on sense to get it to quiet, even if you don't hunt that way.  Noise may drop off precipitously just a few clicks below 18, you never know.   Going as low as 13 to 15 is NOT the end of the world depth wise (bury some coinage and see what the impact is to see if it is even tolerable), especially if you can retain beach mode and multi IQ in the process.  I wouldn't go much below 15, though, I have not tested to see what the impact is beyond.  I know some folks push it down to very low numbers to be able to hunt against metal fence lines and playground equipment that would be unsearchable otherwise.  Just a suggestion.

Of course this would only be in the event you don't have one of your preferred machines with you to hunt the intolerable noise areas.  Sometimes, drastic situations call for drastic measures just to avoid having to call off the hunt altogether.  Good luck.

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