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Open Source Metal Detector

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I also would like to see Steve break this into a separate thread.


I think we are talking about several things here - hardware tinkering, software programming and use of existing software to adjust the settings and performance.


provide us all with 2 open source platforms (meaning both software and hardware open source) - a PI and a VLF. Breakout all the relevant MCU pins too or allow easy access to hook up another dev board


I just don't see any more than a very small number who have any interest in tinkering with the hardware, adding boards, messing with the electronics. Very few do that kind of thing with their cell phones either. Writing programs to do the signal analysis - I dont think that is of interest to any but a very small number either. How many folks actually write their own cell phone aps? However, using the programs in the detector to alter settings and responses - that's a trend that has been going on a long time, both in VLF and PI detectors. The big step of the GPX series over the GP series is greater flexibility to set or program the detector to optimize its performance. This trend continues in the newer machines.

However prospectors tend to be a cantankerous bunch and many complained that the GPX 5000 has too many settings and possibilities and they are never quite sure of what to use.

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Right, I'm talking about literally writing new custom programming, Java, C++, ASM, etc. Not just changing settings around in the OEM menu. Think writing your own timings on a 5000, not choosing a preselected one.


Or, and maybe more realistically, companies just opening up an API for anyone to tinker with. This is almost a standard model on the internet nowadays not to mention an increasing amount of hardware.


Also at least breaking out the MCU pins especially on the ADC and maybe releasing a schematic or two or at least making the components identifiable and not under layers of goo. 


I know there aren't a lot of people with the desire or skill to program or hack hardware when it comes to metal detectors. But in part I can't help but think that part of this is because metal detecting is quite literally the only pursuit I have ever come across where user modding (other than simple stuff like amps, coils, etc) is virtually to completely impossible. It's like if I could only put new tires on my truck but not touch the suspension, put a tail fin on but not be able to put something useful like a supercharger or turbo in, etc.


Adopting an open system like Android could make small strides to rectify that situation since you can insure cross platform compatibility and a guy from basically any CS background can jump right into Java, or even ASM when needed with a bit more patience. But you are right that there aren't a ton of guys out there waiting to do this, and a healthy development community is part of the reason those communities succeed so that is a problem.


But I am not suggesting shifting paradigms for the benefit of tinkerers. I am suggesting shifting to benefit the consumer by way of the aftermarket supply of program innovations and peripheral addons that might be created which I think would move a relatively stale detecting development environment into a fairly healthy one.


I may be way off base here and this is just completely impossible from a tech standpoint. But the frustrating thing is I can't even determine that for myself because my $5000 machine is completely encassed in opaque epoxy to hide anything that might matter and getting any access to the coding is even more impossible.

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Another potential black swan idea: using our actual cellphones as the "brain" of the detector. Maybe latency or bandwidth issues over USB/BT/Wireless, hmm not sure. Probably some good reason it wouldn't work or it seems like at least one company would have tried it by now.

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Another potential black swan idea: using our actual cellphones as the "brain" of the detector. Maybe latency or bandwidth issues over USB/BT/Wireless, hmm not sure. Probably some good reason it wouldn't work or it seems like at least one company would have tried it by now.


I'm working on something along his route for the SDC 2300. Once I have it up and running I'll post on here.

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It wouldn't be me who would develop any apps or programs for a detector but you'd have to think some folks could make some good ones.Seeing good detectorists able to tell the sound of ferrous vs. non ferrous and depth as well as they do (not perfectly but darn good), some kind of program or app should be possible to help further refine the ability. 

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