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I Admit That I Am Stumped And Now Seeking Help

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Well guys it isn't often that I can't figure out and find a solution to a metal detector problem myself but this time I must admit defeat.

I have a permission where there is an annual outdoors 3 days music festival and over the past five years I have used my CTX-3030 with my home made "Coin Shooting" program whereby on the CTX VDU I blacked out (Discriminated) the whole screen then I took the signals from our £2, £1, 50 & 20 Pence coins also some gold and silver rings and accepted them on the VDU the reason I did this was because this festival field was covered in thousands of ring pulls, crown caps and wine bottle tops and when I used my coin shooting program I wouldn't find a single one of these discriminated junk finds but I would end up with £100's & £100's as all of the good losses were in the top grass and I used a small hand rake.

Now here is my problem and although there is a vague guidance in the Equinox Manual I just cannot achieve a similar program with the Equinox 800, I have rejected the whole signal spectrum using "One & Two Tone Break"  then tried to get a signal from my selected coins and rings but it is a case of nothing happening on the screen when I press the Accept / Reject (\//+) button, I know how to reject a find on the open default Equinox  VDU screen but I need to operate the other way around I need to accept the good find signals on a fully rejected screen as the only other method is I would have to take hundreds of different types and twisted /bent pull tabs and crown caps and twist caps off wine bottles and carryout individual rejections.  Another thing which I must consider is that these ring pulls can show up as different conductive numbers for similar pull tabs when on edge. If I can't find a remedy to do the same with my Equinox 800 I will revert back to using the CTX which is much heavier on this festival field with thousands of fresh losses.

Your thoughts on this matter would be gratefully received.

Good Hunting     Randy Dee  ( IN UK )

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Hi Randy

I have not made use of accept/reject so I had to give the manual a once over and what first popped in my head was confirmed there.  You cannot accept a rejected target while in detect mode it needs to be done in the accept/reject settings mode. Knowing the ID numbers of the wanted coins before hand you can then setup up your discrimination program.

Switch to all metal to bypass your rejected screen and note the number of the coins. Then go to Accept/reject in settings and using the +/- buttons navigate to the wanted numbers and hit the button to notch them back in.


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Its the same on my beaches , when i use my ET or Terra i know what i am digging almost all the time . But with the Nox i cannot suss the coins from the crown caps and other junk except for the Pound and 2 Pound coins which are in the early 20's . Its why along with the WIFI problems that i dont use it on the dry .

I haven't tried 50 tones i use 5 but will use 50 when i can be bothered but i doubt because of the TID's of so many targets being in the same small area that it will be worth doing when there are better machines for that. 

Anyway as the cashless society is wrecking coin hunting on beaches i am not worried to much .

Use the CTX .

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On 6/15/2018 at 9:33 AM, Jackpine said:

Hi Randy

I have not made use of accept/reject so I had to give the manual a once over and what first popped in my head was confirmed there.  You cannot accept a rejected target while in detect mode it needs to be done in the accept/reject settings mode. Knowing the ID numbers of the wanted coins before hand you can then setup up your discrimination program.

Switch to all metal to bypass your rejected screen and note the number of the coins. Then go to Accept/reject in settings and using the +/- buttons navigate to the wanted numbers and hit the button to notch them back in.


Hello Tom

The "All Metal" selection is is as it states and will accept all metals signals and to negotiate to the Accept / Reject segment of a £2, £1, 50 & 20 Pence coins also some gold and silver rings using the  +/- buttons makes no difference as these signal VDI's are already accepted.  What I was looking to do is have a full signal VDI spectrum in "Reject" then have the wanted signals "Accepted" using the \//X button but now I think I am barking up the wrong tree after further digesting on page 49 of the Equinox Manual which states " Accepting a rejected Target ID is not possible directly from the DETECT SCREEN" .                To do this on the CTX3030 is very simple to carryout so it now looks like I will have to stick with the CTX on the "Music Festival Field"

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What Tom was saying is Blank all segments first, then use all metal in DETECT mode to scan a desirable target's ID, record it, so you can go into the accept/reject SETTINGS screen and manually individually accept back in the desirable targets by their recorded TIDs you obtained in AM mode and manually stepping through the range using +/-.  Tedious but doable. The Equinox is set up in detect mode assuming you are only going to reject a few trash targets you encounter, not most of the range, so it is impossible to do from there unless you have a sample of every piece of trash you might encounter.

Agree the CTX sounds easier to setup in this regard and appears to be the tool for the job because you are going purely by TID, not audio, and the CTX can be more selective in this regard.

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14 minutes ago, staffydog33 said:

If you are using the nox dude...you will have to dig everything coz a LOT of good targets like gold and a lot of coins show up exactly the same and sound exactly like bottlecaps.

Ive learned to accept its a dig everything machine.


Not what you said here re bottlecaps.  What changed?


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8 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:


Not what you said here re bottlecaps.  What changed?


That might be good if there are just a few here and there but i on my beaches have them everywhere and that way of doing it can be too time consuming .

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10 hours ago, Nuke em said:

That might be good if there are just a few here and there but i on my beaches have them everywhere and that way of doing it can be too time consuming .

Agreed.  That's why Sinclair is laughing at my post.  Staffydog Matt insisted to Sinclair that the bottle cap ID method was "99% accurate", now it's "dig it all" so I was (and still am) interested to hear from Matt what changed his mind. [and also interested to hear whether he cleaned up in the wake of the coastal storm].   

It seems some folks tend to one extreme or the other, when the answer is likely somewhere in between, at least that has been my experience.  I still dig bottle caps but I have found the Equinox audio to be telltale enough to allow me to "play the odds" if pressed for time using Matt's method or variations on that theme.  It is by no means fullproof nor is it 100% impossible to differentiate bottle caps from desirable targets.  But I know that is a pitifully boring answer versus attention grabbing headline type post claims.  Nothing wrong with "dig it all" advice, since that is the only way to be 100% sure of anything, but I have not found the Equinox to be a machine that necessarily forces me to do that.

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1 hour ago, Chase Goldman said:

Agreed.  That's why Sinclair is laughing at my post.  Staffydog Matt insisted to Sinclair that the bottle cap ID method was "99% accurate", now it's "dig it all" so I was (and still am) interested to hear from Matt what changed his mind. [and also interested to hear whether he cleaned up in the wake of the coastal storm].   

It seems some folks tend to one extreme or the other, when the answer is likely somewhere in between, at least that has been my experience.  I still dig bottle caps but I have found the Equinox audio to be telltale enough to allow me to "play the odds" if pressed for time using Matt's method or variations on that theme.  It is by no means fullproof nor is it 100% impossible to differentiate bottle caps from desirable targets.  But I know that is a pitifully boring answer versus attention grabbing headline type post claims.  Nothing wrong with "dig it all" advice, since that is the only way to be 100% sure of anything, but I have not found the Equinox to be a machine that necessarily forces me to do that.

On the dry beaches i do its so cluttered with trash and those crown caps are every 2 or 3 feet in all directions . On land you have time but beaches change with every tide . And if there are machines that deal with those caps better than the Nox and quicker then you miss out in finds . Checking all those damned crown caps would get you nowhere if looking for treasure . I now give up when doing the dry with the Nox looking for the coins that come in from 14 to 17 . It means i possibly lose 10p , 20p 50p and even the odd Gold ring . But when i use another machine i will hunt those things then . 

Coin hunting is no longer my main aim like in the past , maybe on special busy days i will but not normally . Its just not there like it used to be . Its the Gold i am looking for and that means lower down the beach like last week when i found the 22k ring . That's got me even more interested in Gold hunting .

Tomorrow i am out with the Nox again on my beaches but i wont bother with the tops much , i will work the tide out and hope for Gold or Silver .

On Tuesday i will be taking Mum out with me for the day and first for a couple of hours i will check a beach 25 miles from home to see what its like . Time to venture further .

I saw another beach 35 miles East from home that will be on my hit list next month but when using the Nox i wont use it on the tops if i find lots of crown caps about .

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