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Future Of Nokta & Makro

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Copying from another forum:

Hello everybody... 

I have been in the UK since Monday and just got done with Detectival this evening. 

I have been reading some of the posts and comments and I figured the best way to address some of the questions you have would be to start a new thread so it is easier for me to follow them. Please understand that I have always tried my best to be as transparent as I can while writing on these forums and sharing info. 

First of all, Detectival has been great (except for the timeframe where I was literally buried underground). 

Yes, we did announce a few products there and I will just try to give you a short rundown here and then I can answer any questions you may have... 

Please note that we just announced the merger of the brands moving forward… this means we will no longer produce products under separate brands… soon we will consolidate the websites/Facebook pages and all. This is all done with the best intentions to simplify everything for our dealers, our valued customers ...and for Nokta&Makro to be able to focus more on developing new technologies and products rather than trying to provide products for 2 brands.

You all pretty much know the history of our company - 4 years ago Nokta & Makro companies merged..but we had to keep the two brands separate as the distribution channels were different in many countries around the world. So we had to feed the two brands with products....since the merger of the companies, I personally have been trying to push both brands thru the same channel so we could eventually combine them...But believe me guys it took me 4 years to finally achieve this goal and consolidate the brands--... some of you guys, naturally, only look at what is happening around you in 1 country only! But please do not forget that we deal with the whole world.... in many countries around the world, especially in non-English speaking countries, customers are not even aware that Nokta&Makro has been the same company for almost 4 years now.

Just to make my case clear I will give you an example - we started working with a new reseller in one of the Asian countries - when we were discussing our first order, the dealer listed the Makro products he wanted and when we asked about Nokta, he said - no, thank you Makro is a better brand..no matter what we said, we could not make him understand that it is the same company, same engineers and same sales team. Another and a similar example is that while I was attending a dealer day in a another country, I was told that customers in that specific country believed Nokta was Lexus and Makro was Toyota... funny but real…what I am trying to explain you is that while some of our releases upset a few people, please try to look at it from our point of view. We had to produce products for both brands ..and because we release them at a faster pace than what the customers in certain countries, such as the USA are used to, I am aware of the fact that it upsets certain customers.

If you look at the manufacturers in any industry today, whether it is the cars or cell phones, they constantly offer new products because development is an ongoing process and demands and needs differ from individual to individual, country to country… Now, if as a manufacturer we are to be blamed for listening to our customers and for developing products and offering them pretty fast, then yes we are guilty ….but also very proud of our really hard work and our worldwide increasing brand awareness. 

With the consolidation of 2 brands, we are discontinuing a few of our products (Golden Sense/Velox/ Fors Series) and start with a new fresh product line up on our new website soon - 

The Anfibio Series - I see that there are positive and negative comments on this one - now to clear it up - Guys, no need to get upset – we did not go to Detectival and create any hype – we sincerely shared what we have in the pipeline with everybody – did not make any claims other than what we have been told by our testers, did not say it will obsolete anything, and neither did we ask anybody to sell their newly bought Impact and/or Kruzer to buy the Anfibio. If you are happy with your Impact or Kruzer – please keep it and we will be more than happy. 

Anfibio will be distributed to dealers next month… once it is in the hands of the users, you can decide for yourself whether you want it or not. Anfibio comes with our new design coil + 7 optional coil to choose from – And yes they are all compatible with the Kruzer series! Among the 7 optional coils – we will offer a new 9’’ concentric coil which many users have been asking for! 

The Scuba Pointer - Scuba Detector + Pinpointer - patent pending, 2-in-1 device and it is pulse. 

Simplex - Entry Level, Waterproof (fully submersible) with built in wireless module - 2 versions between $249 - $399. This will be the first waterproof detector at this price point. 

Our future simultaneous multi-freq. device - planned to share the design / form of the enrty level one (with slight changes) as the form is pretty light and compact -- looking for inputs/feedbacks in terms of what the customers would like to see in this device – unique ideas/features or anything that you believe is currently lacking on other simultaneous freq. devices. 

I will stop here as I have slept a total of 6 hours in 3 days but will answer any questions you have… thank you all!!

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I have your new gold Kruzer, and want to know if the new coils ( 7 coils) also work on the Gold Kruzer? 

Since the Gold Kruzer is a high frequency Gold Detector, I don't know if the new coils will work on my Gold Kruzer.

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Thanks Steve H for your info!  I was expecting this, but just wanted to be sure, since she said all Kruzer models.

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I'm wondering what differences are between the anfibio and multi-Kruzer? I'm a big fan of your pinpointer already. I will say that. Very innovative and that's what I like to see. Is there a price for the anfibio(s) yet, and if so what will they cost? I don't know if you've come up with a name for the waterproof simultaneous multi machine yet, but I would recommend The Makro Nokta Synchronic, or Synchron if you like the short of it. 

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Recommendations for the Makro-Nokta Synchron:

•ability to run in multi or single

•ability to choose the number of frequencies run simultaneously (I realize this may present very complex engineering hurdles)

•ability to decide from options how frequencies are processed 

•develop an app to integrate cell phones into your ecosystem. Gps, map overlays etc. Imaging source...many possibilities as a secondary information and remote source.

integrate imaging into this platform if possible. A flagship should have a color screen, signagraph, and some level of imaging equal to or greater than Minelab's target trace. Not all on the same screen necessarily, but available for selection as a target ID analysis source. 

•incorporate magnetism to better ID ferrous objects

•develop a VLF form of your new pinpointer which will wirelessly adopt basic disc settings and deliver sound through headphones 

•do make a synchron vibration option. I find it useful particularly underwater. 

Im sure I'll think of more, but for now I'll say your efforts are impressive. You're gaining ground at a breakneck pace. I'm becoming more interested by the day and I'm very into what I already have. Thank you for creating a concentric coil. Not everyone has harsh soil conditions and when conditions are favorable a concentric is the right tool for the job and can punch deeper than a similar sized DD. I wouldn't mind seeing a 15" concentric done right. 

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Personally i’d Love to be able to take my equinox below 3m so a solid waterproof multifrequency detector waterproof further than 3m could be very tempting, the Anfibio looks cool Because it can be retracted to a diving configuration, it’s definitley a detector I would consider.

As some of you may be aware, Fisher is releasing a new Pulse Induction detector that can essentially discriminate iron according to the videos, if Nokta/Makro could do that then that would be amazing because you are very well distributed and have service centers world wide unlike fisher which is why I can’t consider them.

oh and a waterproof flashlight on all your detectors!

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The Two machines/brands are not that/excessively different so having them share the same coils would save a fortune in R&D and give the Engineers a day of rest as well,

I have sort of always ID'd the Two companies as being the same but not quite, So it is a good thing for them to become one, It will cut down on so much fuss,

Well done Nokta/Makro - - - - Makro/Nokta,  LOL.

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