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Would It Be Important To You To Have Wireless Coils ?

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...one of the most common damage to the coils is a cable or connector ... as is the case with audio earphones. The only downside with cordless coils ... is the price and .. less battery capacity ..- fewer possibilities than the detector performance...

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I commented about this topic earlier and I did not particularly feel one way or the other except for possible EMI issues, especially since I have never used an XP Deus. That has changed since I had a friend who had too many detectors and asked me if I had tried a Deus and would I want to buy one of his. I jumped on the deal and am extremely impressed with this detector. I have the 9" round HF coil along with all the other bells and whistles. I'm afraid that it will take me the rest of my retirement to explore this detector's many features and possibilities which should be fun. I have not noticed any more EMI or ground interference problems than I have with my Nox 800 or F19. It operates fairly quietly, is sturdy, and feels wonderfully well balanced. The HF coil at 30 and 55 kHz completely nails my prospecting test bed as well as my former Gold Monster,  my Nox 800 with the 6 inch coil and quite a bit better than my F19 (which is understandable). That was in the stock Gold Field program with no adjustments. When I actually learn how to use it more expertly the results could be even better.  It should be a very good prospecting/relic detector and will get some coin and jewelry use too at 15kHz. 


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No interest whatsoever in wireless coils, more points of failures, more potential for EMI injection,  and more stuff to charge.  

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I use both methods in my detecting arsenal,in the case for the defense of wireless coil and headphones then Deus for me wins hands down as a everyday use detector and the reason being is the major problems that i have with my right swinging wrist after coming off a bike at high speed in the 70s,i cannot take hardly any weight on the right wrist at all these days,so folks could suggest why dont i change swinging arms over to my left arm,it makes no odds how hard i try the coordination with the left arm just aint going to happen.

I can use bigger and heavier wired combinations for special site situations when say i suspect a hoard is in that location,then i use a full harness and a hipstick and can do maybe 2-3 hours and that is about the limit of using such a detector/coil combination.But i can swing a Deus coil on a Golden Mask shaft or even a Deus shaft but its limited to a 9'' coil and although i do have a controller i mainly just use the headphones as i see them predominately as a 'audio' machine,but by doing it this way i can swing for a whole day but even then i still need to use a harness,which although seems crazy with such a lightweight machine,as long as it allows me too get out detecting still for a full days session then that is what i will carry on using.

Regarding wireless headphones and wired headphones,of course on the Deus you do have a superb system that works exceptionally well and reliable,also i use a set of deteknix wireless headphones on almost all my other detectors and they are superb as i guess the Garratt ones are,really do work well and a major advantage being wireless as the wires dont get caught on anything,but i always carry a spare set or even 2 wired headphones as backup or even if someone else forgets a set.

Its swings and roundabout is guess,although my main machine is the Deus i never carry just one detector as i carry about 4 that cover about every scenario that i would possibly encounter on that permission on that day.So some would be wired and some wireless,if i am a great distance from home then having a few backup machines is vitally important as its so frustrating driving say 100 miles and finding out that you have a malfunction on a piece of detecting gear and you cannot detect that day because of the problem.

Its all personal choice at the end of the day and of course wireless coils the same as wired coils can both develop problems and both have good and bad features,for me i use both methods because of injuries and i will use what ever is available too prolong my detecting hobby.


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I guess when I look at the detectors I have and use regularly that I must not like to change batteries. I know I really hate finding them dirt fishing especially when they have deteriorated enough to release their inner contents into the dirt. The halo around them in something else! I already have replaceable rechargeable batteries for my pinpointers and other stuff.  I really don't have a problem charging my phone and I have plenty of USB adapters and ports around so recharging a detector or headphones or now a coil every week or so is no big deal. I don't have to continue to buy throw away batteries either.

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The few times that I didn't charge the Deus, it still had plenty of power left for a hunt, maybe even two. With the battery load split up over 2 or 3 devices (depending if you use remote or not) it ends up being a pretty efficient little unit.

Incidentally if I pick someone up to go detecting, there is a 30% chance I will have to stop so they can buy batteries. The worst is when you get to the rural site and then they realize they needed batteries, or they go flat 20 minutes into the hunt.

As the batteries are built in to my Equinox and Deus, I never forget to bring the batteries. If I were to run out in the field, I have a 20,000mAh power bank that will charge at the 2.4 Amp needed for the Equinox and other devices that support it. I could also plug it into the truck. I may actually get one of those really small power banks that is light enough just to plug it in and start detecting. (Deus has one as a option).

The Deus is a chatty unit, but if you turn the sensitivity down its easy to hear that there is no EMI being injected into the unit due to being wireless. Processing done in the coil actually removes potential interference and losses associated with running a shielded cable. I think that is a feature of the Xterra too, the wire sends something akin to a line level digital signal that wont be bothered much by EMI or voltage drops compared to analog RF in wires.

Perhaps one day XP Deus will fracture their coil into a module that can be removed from the coil, that could be interesting. It would solve the issue of expensive secondary coils, add the option for interchangeable batteries. On the other hand you may lose that "sealed Frisbee" elegance they got going on.

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The question is kind of a non-starter.  Unlike wireless audio, which is ubiquitous outside of metal detecting, a wireless coil only makes sense in the context of a ground up system design.  Bolting on wireless coils to "conventional" detector designs that employ a control box/user interface makes little sense to me because all the "downsides" mentioned throughout this thread are applicable in conventional paradigm - added cost, susceptibility to EMI, complexity subject to failure, the need to add an antenna wire when using the coil submerged, additional batteries to manage, etc.  It is clear that most non-Deus users are inclined to say "No, thank you." and I get that.

But if you look at the advantages a total wireless system (not just a coil, but audio, control box, and pinpointer, too) solution brings to the table in terms of reduced weight because you can get rid of connection points, and extra cable weight (it adds up folks) and control heads, creating a low profile, and dividing up the processing work between different electronics modules (not necessarily co-located), then the Deus wireless "system" is just simply a brilliant marriage of wireless and traditional detecting technology.  Is there room for additional Deus-like detectors out there?  Perhaps, but I am not seeing it drive a huge market swing into that direction, partially because XP holds the patent and partially because its advantages are not overly compelling to a majority of users because they are not seeing a need for a feather light detector and the cost is also a deterrent.  But it is a great system that has been thoughtfully designed to mitigate many of the obvious disadvantages that a wireless coil introduces and accentuates the advantages of wireless.  

So my point is making conventional detectors compatible with wireless coils does not make a lot of sense to me, so it is not important to me in that sense.  Deus does make a lot of sense and I will take the good with the bad because I value the performance and low profile the system provides.  Easy to travel with and a great grab 'n' go design that I always have available to me.  It is not attention grabbing from a distance and tends to keep people from coming up and asking me questions.  Which is a good thing because I tend to lash out and cause a scene whenever someone tries to engage me during a detecting session.  Sometimes it gets real violent and the authorities are called, so if I can use something to help me avoid that scene, it much appreciated.  So my completely wireless detector is a great compliment to my other favorite detector which is the Equinox.  And, no, I am not interested in a wireless coil version of the Equinox.

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