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Gold Vs Aluminum 2018

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All but two of the gold items are smaller in diameter and should ID below a nickel.


I've dug a lot of tabs in my life, I hate those things.  Imagine what it would be like if they were never invented???????????

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Yes. The rings air test at 16 and 22/24.

The tab numbers are 8-20. The not shown 20% foil and larger can slaw would account for the rest.

In reality I just had to fill 3-4 extra large Tim Horton's coffee cups with aluminum to get this amount of gold. What you see in the picture would fill 2 cups.

Ultimately what we can take away here is that this is a numbers game that has little to do with luck. Notching any aluminum will be very detrimental to our results.

Ironically in some weird way I'm grateful for the tabs, they protected the gold all this time from the lazy and stubborn lol. Makes things interesting anyway.

I don't have much say on where or when the gold shows up, so I have a blanket strategy for land and sea. Try not to get too specific, like this was a slow year for land rings, but a fun fall for fine easy stuff in the water.



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19 hours ago, Alluminati said:

So what do you think? Is that a lot of aluminum? Are you sure? Think about it, I bet you've dug way more pennies than this just to see a silver coin make an appearance. Would you rather another silver dime or have your Equinox paid for?

 Advice is a hard thing to take, if it's common knowledge it probably wont help you find much. Remember 10% of the people get 90% of the goods. That means the other 90% are sharing the 10% left behind. One group is relying on statistics and probability while the other relies on pure luck.
Don't notch aluminum, you must close your eyes and drink from the hose.

Something you might not be thinking about is that not all of us are out to pay for our Detectors, although I probably have even with the limited season I had this year.  

I love old coins. I don’t know why. Gold rings don’t do much for me for some reason. Gold nuggets? Now I’m excited again!  Trying to find old coins, in a hunted a out park is what I love to do.  I love the history of them. I love the challenge. I’m always hoping for that rare key date coin or deep Barber Dime that someone else missed. I’m so weird that even hunting house permissions takes some of the thrill away.  I always feel like I’m cheating. I know it doesn’t make sense but that’s how I feel.

My friend is obsessed with clad and it’s hard for me to wrap my head around sometimes. Modern coins are just trash to me. Same level as a pull tab in my book. They take away from my swing time looking for old coins, so I skip most surface coins except quarters.  Only reason I pick those up is because it might be a silver ring. I have many times thought about even skipping those because silver rings don’t excite me either. 

I guess I’m just trying to say we all have different motivations and styles of hunting. I’m the weird guy that don’t care about gold rings. Sure I’ll be happy for a few minutes if my Nickel ends up being a nice gold ring. Especially if it’s  old one.



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I actually do have appreciation for relics and old coins. I'm a pretty well rounded relic hunter. IMO

I wasn't out to specifically pay for my detector either, but it's worth noting that a machine I bought in August paid for itself before the snow fell without even trying. A notable benchmark.

We are more alike then different, we are all looking for precious metal. I keep the "worthless" coins and relics, sell most of the gold for money.

Not all of us have gold nuggets around to get excited about, so we have to work with the ground we have. Too bad you are a bit of a gold snob, ? it's all yellow to me. Some of the antique gold I have found over the years is quite nice and would be considered a relic as well in some cases.

If you are thinking of skipping silver rings with American clad too, what constitutes a diggable target for you? You'd just be digging worms at that point.  Why wouldn't a historical coin hunter want a gold coin?

You could just as easily apply these tactics to other types of hunting, it doesn't have to be gold.
I'll admit it probably goes against your grain if you are too annoyed to dig a silver ring for fear it might be an American quarter. That's insane. ? I'm a clad snob too, but the clad doesn't stay forever if you dig it. It can mask a good target just like a piece of iron.

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