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The Nox, Part 2


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Wow, that is some awesome relics.  History unearthed.  Thanks for sharing.

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8 hours ago, mn90403 said:

Well done!

I kept my CTX also.  What do you mean by deep trolling?


Hunting deep old coins, the CTX     is hard to beat at ID'ing at depth.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

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Ok, do you use the big coil on that or one of the others?

I had 'hoped' the Nox would do as good or better but as we can see it went in a much more 'sensitive' direction.


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9 hours ago, mn90403 said:

I had 'hoped' the Nox would do as good or better but as we can see it went in a much more 'sensitive' direction.

Depends on the ground. Equinox bests CTX in my ground on deep coins so blanket statements do not apply. You have to use what works best for you on your ground, not what works best for others on their ground. Just like using an Equinox because I do... what if your ground favors the CTX?

The only reliable way I know to get the performance I want is to get the gear myself and compare it myself on my ground and my targets. No online resource replaces that. Other people’s posts and videos give me clues to machines I may want to test, but that is as far as it goes. There is no one machine that is best for everyone everywhere for all uses. 

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8 hours ago, mn90403 said:

Ok, do you use the big coil on that or one of the others?

I had 'hoped' the Nox would do as good or better but as we can see it went in a much more 'sensitive' direction.


 I use the stock coil on the CTX and the Equinox. I'm not saying the CTX is deeper than the Equinox, it's just that I have used the CTX longer and have learned what the at coins at depth sound and act like on it. It's more of a confidence thing than perhaps actual performance due to the fact I haven't developed an ear for the deeper coin behaviors with the Nox.

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Dan, That last comment struck a chord...developing an ear (for any detector but especially - imho - the Equinox), is essential. It takes confidence in what you are hearing to go after the little weird sounds that sometimes unearth the most surprising finds. Confidence takes time and a willingness to work with the machine in the locations you work in. YouTube videos don't cut it for wringing that last bit out of the machine.

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I think the stock coil on the 800 is pretty special.  I can dig quarters on the beach sometimes down to 12 inches (two times the depth of my 6 inch basket scoop) but I don't know for sure what it is when I start!  The signals are sometimes negative and after a 3-4 inch scrape then I learn more.  Certain areas I dig everything because I want to know what it is and because I want to know the layer it is in also.

If I'm not going to dig something it will probably be a 20 in an area where I know 99.999% of the time it is a penny and that is all it will be.  There are a couple of sections of our beaches that are that way no matter how much I hope for another target.  I'll leave them for someone else and go on down the beach saving my arm and energy.  These couple of beaches I do the same with the CTX also.  (I've only used it once or twice in the last 6 months.)


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My feeling is still that the Etrac has advantages over the Nox for deep coins in most park-type settings (in some very junky places where the Etrac is virtually useless, the Nox can still function and separate out coins). I've more recently picked up a CTX as well, but it's more like the Etrac than otherwise (I do like target trace) so doesn't change my opinion.  I would say the Nox is at least as deep, though; and admit that as I get more familiar with the nuances of the Nox, I "upgrade" its capabilities with respect to coins.  One area, though, in which the Etrac has both the Nox and CTX beat is in the availability of coils.  Yes, their stock coils are good, but I would really like to try a few others that aren't presently available (and probably never will be), such as the 6x8 SEF... 

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Dan,  Your certainly sniffed a butt-load and then some of targets others have missed.  The recovery speed (even on the 600) is better than most detectors out there, but I do hope this is indicators for all manufactures to consider in the future.  When stacking that with the small 6" sniffer coil, it is hard to beat.  Especially the price range and then being able to totally dunk it in water and runs fine in salt water too...win win.

Even though the recoveries are not CW period and a few folks might guf, I still feel the variety of finds is quite interesting.  Love the cross cannon, bracelet...and the dog tag takes the cake.

As for DEEP silver...for my style, soils and flavor... my 3030 was just sold, but I still have the E-Trac with X1 probe and 15" WOT. 

Even though the NOX is certainly a game changer for most, there are select machines for certain tasks in such soils that my ear just falls in love with. 

Fantastic finds and post.

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