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    Other than Gold, Fishing, Astronomy, RC gliders, living off-grid
  • Gear In Use:
    GPZ 7000, SDC2300, GM1000, GPX6000, Manticore, E1500

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  1. LR you are following SSs lead some time back, crikey we are becoming a mob of domesticated pussies.......😉
  2. Looking through this thread have not found any mention of the GB2`s reaction to carbon fibre lower rods, Phrunt if you still have a GB2 could you please try such. Why the GB2? simply because it is/has been the standard for sensitive gold VLFs. Gerry your initial concern has put the cat amongst the pigeons and shown how much more sensitive the VLF has evolved. Myself I`m still having my detecting time filled with the 6K and a wee bit of E1500 but I have a bit of ground in close that needs VLF attention in the future.
  3. Switched from a 15000Mah to 10000Mah battery awhile back gives 8 hours no drama, Torus H/phones & Tranny w/. 12Evo coil or DIY 11 Spiral Mono. For use I see no need for a bigger heavier battery, easy to carry and change to a spare.
  4. Fresh water sandflies are all over in Australian sandy areas after big wets in particular, even in the centre. They are way worse than salt water coastal sand flies, a smaller version that annoys hell out of some dogs/horses even with heavy coats. They don`t bother all except those that are allergic, here in FNQ this year we had a plague of them due to a double size annual wet. A solution of 10% Tea Tree oil/90% baby oil is a good deterrent and gives some relief after being bitten, stings a wee when applied to fresh bites but gives relief after a few minutes.
  5. Aye a man can`t live on gold alone, wild field FNQ Au mushrooms on cooking, sliced up with a sprinkle of salt, a good amount of pepper and cooked with butter......... mmhhhhhh it don`t get any better.
  6. The E1500 shoots way above its price of around 1 ounce, just hope Algoforce can maintain that price into your US hands and into the future E2500. Our market is but a small niche amongst todays mass economy of scale markets.
  7. Doc put these fellas minds to rest quickly or we are all gonna end up sharing a padded cell?
  8. Tell me about it NK, don`t think we age taller, but it seems we have to go a lot higher to get up after a dig ?. The sensitivity of the E1500 will be much appreciated by 4500 & 5000 users, especially if they have spiral coils already in their kit.
  9. True the QED has a control to select either depth or sensitivity, it needs it as it is a single channel Pi, the E1500 has two channels one for sensitivity and one for depth thus like most modern gold PIs. I know burying targets to test any detectors/coils ability is not a true indication of their depth/sensitivity/GB ability that undisturbed field gold is. I`ve found the E1500 is a very capable all-round gold detector that punches well above its cost, even by the time you add a battery and a couple of modern mono coils of around an ounce. The very first gold VLF I bought in 79 cost a little over 2 ounces.
  10. The E1500 has good depth on 0.5gram nuggets and up with the 12"Rnd Evo, like all detectors before it since year one the coil size determines its depth as much or more than the detectors technology, large coils for depth applies to all. Now if I was a younger fellow and could swing monster coils (anvils) I`d forget the claim the E1500. the 6K, the Axiom or any other detector are only for shallow small gold because that attitude just does not stack up out in the field. So if all you can afford is an E1500 and a small coil and a large coil plus you swing out on prospective fringe ground persistently, shallow or deep applying the above good sense positive attitude, chances are you`ll find enough to upgrade to say a ZVT.
  11. Age dictates to me a need for a lightweight wireless detector that uses non-chipped lightweight mono coils. An unchipped fixed GB option 6K is on track or if ML persists with chipped coils the E2500.
  12. I don`t think so, can recall way back it was said the mono could not be improved on being such a simple coil, spiral monos brought the PIs right back barking at the Zs heels until X coil lifted it. Who doesn`t love the aftermarket coil on their 6K, imagine how much better it could be without that chip forcing aftermarket fellows to adhere to MLs marketing regime.
  13. Yeah there`s a reason why these areas are so difficult to get into, it just isn`t wise for local detector operators to broadcast either their locations and their finds or for Property Owners to repair the tracks. Nor wise to drive off the tracks either because every Tom, Dick & Harry will follow your tracks, and as Geof_J posted it isn`t wise to take out any sort of title as that just broadcasts where you are. Leave just footprints and cover your holes as best you can or you`ll be followed. All you need in QLD is a current Fossickers License and the Property Owners private permission to fossick on their land, as set out by that Fossicking License. That area is not too remote. Just the rambling of an old time FNQer, as Geof_J also posted tis an adventure take it as such and enjoy magic remote FNQ.
  14. The lure of making big money by having lots follow your vids along with pumping your ego, is the go. I followed one for a bit because I wished to support but judging by the continual 'bombardment' on mobile by 'allied' 'followers' that one is making money. It is wise to follow none and not support what will turn to a corrupt pyramid type scheme when/if successful. Of course the great majority are just pie in the sky dreamworld stuff.
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