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  2. After mentioning in a post the difference between the M9 and the M8, mainly about the response to targets and a greater tendency of the M9 to falsing, this morning for the first time I dove in with the M9. Having found almost completely covered a rock bank where in the first week of June I scored 21.09 grams of 18K in three sessions, I spent some time today to ascertain that nothing deeper was still left down there. The lower rod problem occurs while using the beach LC program in salt water, and obviously with the gold program on land, given the certainly higher working frequency and responsiveness to the small signal, be it salt or micro jewels. Without disassembling the coil, but changing to seawater, the maximum sensitivity obtainable on the M9 was more than 27 points, with the obvious reason for a "blind" instrument and imprinted on targets of larger mass and size...In my specific case, where going in search of broken, thin material undetected by other detectors, the use of beach LC is the only acceptable option. In this case, the maximum sensitivity I can use with the M9 is 19 points for acceptable audio on the edge of falsing and 22 with the M8. That said, adopting a nonconductive rod is starting to become a necessity.At least for me.
  3. Lanny, I’ve been reading your stuff for what, maybe 12-14 years now? Having published 5 books now myself, I can say yours will be worth the read and I look forward to it! Please look into using Kindle Direct Publishing from Amazon. It’s free and needs nothing more than Microsoft word to produce a legit book. You simply create an account and download their set of MS Word templates. Choose the template for your preferred book size and start writing (or copy/pasting) your content into the template. Feel free to reach out to me at findinggoldincolorado@gmail.com to discuss or get coaching.
  4. And that's exactly why I like spiral coils, wouldn't bother with bundle wound on the Algoforce unless ground required it, the Algo did pretty good in that particular test. The 9" Coiltek on the 6000 did much better than the stock coil I thought, and was more stable.
  5. Great info....you know your way around 3D.......I still struggle with 2D 😜
  6. Well I'm feeling pretty stoooopid.....that time of 11pm shown when I first looked was my local time 😬
  7. I wonder what would happen if I went to the factory at 10:00 AM?
  8. Good idea with the fishing rod, tough fiberglass no doubt? Have to get one not too flexi though or it will wobble around like a Simplex+
  9. I can relate to your experiences with low quality 3D prints. The industry has come a long way in the last few years though, with some automotive manufacturers even using it for production parts. Yes, it does rely on the correct plastic being used, but also on the printing process (FDM, SLS, SLA, etc) and quality of the 3D printer to get high quality parts. Not all 3D printers are created equal and not all people using them know how to get the best out of them. The product also needs to be designed appropriate for the printing process and oriented correctly in the machine to make best use of layer adhesion (which is why I've designed this in multiple parts to get the grains running in the right directions appropriate to force). It is worth using a reliable 3D printing service if you don't have your own machine and you have to pay retail prices, but the big advantage for people with 3D printers is that if a part breaks you just print another one. But yes, you definitely want to design parts for best longevity in the first place. In cases like this though it allows us to innovate quickly, testing functionality without investment risk and finding alternatives in an open, distributed and collective way. I'd be keen to see others riff on the design and improve it over time. But at the very least, it's a good way to test whether a non-conductive lower shaft will meet your prospecting requirements - especially if you have your own 3D printer at home. It's free (except for material cost, which is around $2-5)!
  10. What I posted is the livesteam page I'm looking at, it's a screenshot. Looks like it corrects for local time so that would be Reno, NV time. I added a note on my original post noting Reno time. Actually will be at 10am "Garrett time" in Garland Texas, two hours different than me, so 8am here. Here are other times from Garrett's Facebook page:
  11. Steve.....8 am ?? It was 11pm "Garrett" time ? *** Ok...the invite has the correct time and not the Garrett Vortex landing page ***
  12. Full credit to that design...but I had some 3D printed stuff and the sun and saltwater took it's toll really quick. Now this may have something to do with the actual plastic product used in my situation so I don't really know much else. This was some years ago so maybe the 3D printed stuff is better(er).
  13. If one doesn't like the color they can swap out the arm cuff for a black one.
  14. I checked from what distance the detector sees the lower CTX rod: Fisher F5 with 15" ....... Coil 40 cm. Quest Q20 with 9/11" reel....... 32 cm, I change it urgently.... I have already bought a fishing rod of a similar diameter.
  15. I can confirm that the 9" Elite is one of the best coils for AlgoForce. Outstanding sensitivity and performance.
  16. Geez probably will have to catch that after it's over. Going to be hard for me to dedicate 1.5 hours on a Tuesday morning. I'm really hoping Garrett hits a home run on this one.
  17. Just letting everyone know I've uploaded the 3D printed Nox900 lower-shaft extender I designed to the downloads page. I know everyone is super keen for Steveg's Kevlar lower shaft, but this might suffice for now for some people. I've been using it for a few days and it's proving to be quite robust and pleasant to use, particularly when swapping coils. I'd be interested to hear other's thoughts about it, so let me know how it works out if you make one. I'm thinking I'll make a Manticore version too. I don't own one, but I'll pay a visit to Miners Den and get a lower shaft for reference. Anyway, I hope this helps a few folks out. 🙂
  18. Hopefully that is the case but I know first hand that UV breaks down many resins.....probably got a lot to do with location but over here in Western Australia, the UV is quite intense. Once the resin polymer starts to break down then the raw Kevlar may be vulnerable. I'm probably now guilty of "paralysis by analysis".......damn it I want a titanium lower just to be cool 😎 Maybe, I'll get a Manticore clevis or two and then go from there. At the end of the day, we will all be covered by a fit for purpose product.
  19. Based solely on the imagery, it just looks like a really unsafe detector. Pick your adventure: death by tsunami drowning, death by tornado blunt force trauma, or death by lightning electrocution.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    The Nox 900 shaft extension was designed to alleviate issues caused by having a conductive carbon fibre lower shaft bolted directly to the coil. This is particularly important for gold prospectors who are experiencing knock sensitivity when laying the shaft flat against the coil during target recovery, but it may also have benefits during the target search, especially when working tight rocky terrain where the coil is constantly rotated relative to the shaft. You will need to buy a 40mm and 60mm M8 nylon hex bolt and 2 nuts - I would suggest just buying two 60mm bolts and cutting them down to size. These are the ones I sourced - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003554528145.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.138c674cdkh3Wv&algo_pvid=949ce8d2-8033-47ba-8524-5b8b03a83770&algo_exp_id=949ce8d2-8033-47ba-8524-5b8b03a83770-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis!AUD!24.72!12.12!!!16.16!7.92!%402103011017185920473694307e26fe!12000026266634715!sea!AU!136322599!&curPageLogUid=mOIvLzytoqPb&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A For each assembly, you will need to 3D print 1x shaft extension, 1x shaft extension clamp, 1x clevis nut seat and 3x bolt thumbwheels. To assemble, glue the clamp to the rear of the extender (preferably with epoxy), making sure that the area that mates with the stock shaft clevis is in the right orientation facing upwards. Seat the 60mm M8 bolt into the clevis nut seat and the 40mm bolt into one of the thumbwheels. Seat an M8 nut into the other two thumbwheels. It's helpful to epoxy the bolts and nuts in place, but being carful not to get glue in the threads. Remove the rubber inserts from the stock carbon-fibre-lower-shaft clevis and place them in the 3D printed clevis. Insert the clevis-nut-seat/bolt into the stock carbon-fibre-lower-shaft clevis and use one of the thumbwheel/nut assemblies to tighten in place. Snap the shaft-extension assembly to the stock lower shaft and thread the 60mm bolt through the clamp and tighten with the other thumbwheel/nut assembly. Attach your favourite coil. Happy hunting! Edit: Creative Commons licence - CC BY-NC-SA
  21. A lot of the early stuff is a product of them listening to the forum users. Keith Southern was one of them they tapped into for info and he was a big fan of adjustable tone breaks and iron breaks. He especially favored detectors in the teen freq ranges...that 13 to 19 kHz range was his favorite and they seemed to cater to that range. Particularly with the Fors Relic detector. The T2 and F19 were two of Keith's favorite detectors and Nokta kinda blended features of the two for Keith with the Racer and Racer 2. I may be mis-remembering but wasn't the S rod design part of Keith and Steve H's preference? Those earlier days, that seemed to be a big back and forth...everybody had what they considered to be their favorite design and detector, and just wanted a little tweaking here or there done to it. Nokta was putting out machines faster than people could adjust to them.
  22. At least that’s what it says at the sign up page, Runtime 1h 30m. With that much time there is hope we really will learn a lot about the Vortex, and better yet maybe there really is a lot for Steve & Steve to talk about. I admit I’m curious as I actually think this is one of the most important release announcements in Garrett’s history. The AT Max is not a bad detector, but you could almost hear the collective disappointment when it came out. Fans really were looking for a new flagship multi. Then came Apex, and again, not the high end machine people are expecting from a company as old and established as Garrett. Third time is a charm I guess but after all this buildup they better deliver this time. Third time at bat Garrett, time for a home run. Less than 37 hours away. I have to think a YouTube copy will be posted immediately after the presentation for those that miss the live stream. I guess they hooked me though since I did register and will be watching. Garrett Vortex Latest News Experience the Vortex - Streaming on Jun 18 · 8:00 AM (Reno, NV) · Runtime: 1h 30m Join us on June 18th for another exciting announcement from Garrett Metal Detectors! CEO Steve Novakovich and Marketing Director Steve Moore will guide you through this interactive event. Be sure to enter our contest for the chance to win a free detector too! Details are in the registration form!
  23. LR you are following SSs lead some time back, crikey we are becoming a mob of domesticated pussies.......😉
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