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Glenn in CO

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Everything posted by Glenn in CO

  1. 100% AUTHENTIC Santa Monica METAL DETECTING find CUBE #2 Oct 20 Pandemic Signed
  2. I copied this post of the White's TDI & Goldmaster Tech Forum and not sure if the information is still valid: Here's a link to that post:https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/whitesgoldmaster/tdi-noise-reduction-modifications-t874.html
  3. Nice Bottle! Saw your video on low visibility and that was some bad stuff you were diving in.
  4. Apologize if this was already posted some where. Link posted below: Tele-Knox Detecting Innovations Equinox S-Stem Telescopic Carbon Stem
  5. Steve, I think some people have what you called a "nose for gold." Being "in the zone" to me has a lot to do if I going to find a nugget or two, especially in areas that have been pounded. Many times I have pictured in my mind of where I'm going to hunt in an area I have hunted before, but when I get there I end up going to different area and sure enough I will find something. I know when I'm detecting I'm enjoying the surroundings, letting my mind wander, but when I hear that certain tone or sound I'm focused on the task of what it is. I use to rely on VDI when detecting in the past, but now enjoy listening to tones that will end up with getting a keeper. This may sound crazy, but I like a noisy detector, be it running at high gain or in a trashy environment, but I guess I have programmed myself of what to listen for. Believe me if some was paired up to my headphones while I was detecting they would probably quit the hobby or make comments on how I could stand listening to all that noise all the time.
  6. Both of you got nice coarse ones, great start for 2021. ?
  7. Very nice assortment of finds, really like the cannonball and colonial jewelry! Thanks! for sharing! ?
  8. Definitely a natural find, what is really unique is the thickness of the specimen which I have not seen in a ribbon type of gold specimens. The largest I've found wasn't even close to that size and thickness was very thin.
  9. Wow! What a whopper! That is truly a once in a lifetime find. Congrats to the finder and thanks Gerry for sharing. ? Name? Maybe the Golden Gum Wrapper?
  10. Caleb, I don't know if this is the one you are asking about: https://www.detectorprospector.com/forums/topic/14597-a-prospector-trinket-with-tiny-gold-nuggets-or-a-tourist-souvenir/?tab=comments#comment-147613
  11. Won a few detectors at the Texas Hunts back in the 90's. Here's Betty with her display of brass nozzles at the Texas Treasure Expo. ( I think that what it was called ) and some of the detectors that were for prizes in the competition hunt.
  12. I agree with Lunk, definitely an area to be swinging a detector!
  13. This is the only MXT program that I know that the V3i has in it's Special Library programs. This is from the V3i user manual on page 39 and shown in the green column below:
  14. We find these religious medallions quite often in old coal mining camps than anywhere else. Most of the one we find are made out of aluminum and some silver. Nice find! ?
  15. Hello GB, Well that's an interesting question about photographing my disasters, but I normally say to myself "don't do that again and make the same dumb "@&*!?" mistake!" and try to move on and forget about it. The "disaster" is usually caused by leaving the gold specimen in the acid or chemical I'm using at that time for to long of a period of time or using another cleaning technique to aggressively. The wiregold specimens are a real challenge, especially when you try to completely remove the host rock. Sometimes it's better to leave some host rock to hold the wiregold specimen together. Usually with the the wiregold specimens you have some collateral damage and that ends up going into a glass vial. Here is before and after photos of a wiregold specimen. The specimen before being cleaned was one piece, but now is in two pieces. This specimen I didn't have a whole lot to work with:
  16. Gerry, Thanks for the Minelab hat and the compliment on the gold I've found, but everyone who has submitted photos of their gold specimens on this thread or other posts can be just as proud. Big or small every gold specimen that someone has detected, sluiced or gotten somehow in my mind is unique and one of kind. The fact it is gold and you put in the time and effort is probably the greatest achievement, but the adventure and memories will last forever. I do have some gold specimens that I need to clean and prepare and will pick one and will take anyone who is interested through the whole process. Hopefully that can be a starting point using one or more techniques. Please keep in mind that every gold specimen that I and my wife have found will or has been cleaned and prepared differently or some variation of prepping that was used on other gold specimens. There are to many variables with acids, chemicals and techniques to cover and to have someone try and use for any type of gold specimens and have success. Also keep in mind that specimens can take hours, a few days and sometimes months to achieve the results one is looking for. I've been doing cleaning and prep for over thirty years and I'm still learning.
  17. Very nice assortment of finds from your several outings, especially the seated quarter and lock. Thanks for sharing! ?
  18. Really nice gold specimens you got there, and all gold specimens are pretty to me! ?
  19. Here's a link that sells the different shapes and sizes of those pendants: http://www.andjewelry.com/Products/coin-edge-lockets.html
  20. Hello oneguy, Thanks for the compliment on the photography, that's one of my other hobbies. On prepping the gold specimens some do well and stay intact and others do not. Fortunately the acid dissolves the host rock slowly and it allows you to monitor the progress and you can decide whether to continue or not. I've had some disasters where I should have stop with the acid treatment, but that's part of the learning process. Here's some before and after pictures of the gold specimens with the acid treatment:
  21. Gerry and oneguy, you both have some outstanding specimens. Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas to everyone else on the forum! Here's my 12 days of Christmas:
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