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Everything posted by palzynski

  1. all the detectors are bad on big rusty steel at depth .. especially when the steel has a ring shape . A pinpointer with a discrimination like the ML profind 35 or the Quest Xpointer Max can help to id the iron without having to extract or even to see the target
  2. I agree, the Orx and the Deus2 WS6 MASTER are in the same price range ( Orx 22 HF WSA 799€ , Deus2 WS6 899€ ) . If I had to choose I would go for the D2 without a moment's hesitation ... The D2 is more performing for coin/relic hunting ; it goes deeper , it has a SQUARE audio , the multitone can be adjusted up to FULLTONES , etc .. Unless you need the small 9X6 coil which is only available on the Orx/Deus1 ..
  3. No it is not a complex machine . The only thing to know is to start with the GENERAL nr1 factory mode , this even for an experienced user . It is what I did when I received my D2 btw , spending a few hours with GENERAL to learn the D2 audio before trying other modes ... Of course a total beginner will need a longer time to learn GENERAL ( a few weeks or months ? ) than an experienced user who already knows the D1 for example . Long story short GENERAL is a good school for learning the D2 to my opinion ... ?
  4. You did a very good choice , the D2 outperforms the competition in terms of weight/mechanical ergonomy and it has excellent electronics as you will see , you cant go wrong with this detector ... I would suggest to begin with the GENERAL nr1 mode to get used to the detector , it is the easiest mode to learn for beginners . After a few weeks/months , try other modes like SENSITIVE which is much more reactive/performing in the irons . Personally I prefer the SQUARE audio to PWM , but its up to you to decide which audio you prefer ... Happy Hunting in Sweden ?..
  5. I should have said that SMF detectors have very similar depth performances in clean soils . The differences are more on separation/recovery in the irons and the mechanical ergonomy . Also some are better for gold prospecting , etc ... It all depends on what you plan to do with your detector ... All my tests for coin/relic hunting in European conditions at Le blog Métaux-Détection (metaux-detection.fr) , French language ..
  6. Thx Slavomir for the video , I like the Rutus audio , it is very accurate with short signals , I like that ... and It goes deep .. I agree they are important differences between detectors , not only in terms of electronics/depth separation performance but also in terms of mechanical aspects like weight/ergonomy etc .. Back to FisherSari question . Personally I have been testing VLF detectors during 10+ years now , almost all brands , and yes they are often important differences between them . Just like with cars or digital cameras .. And some are better than the others for your kind of hunting
  7. I have only found 4 gold artefacts during 24 years detecting : one coin , two rings and a pendant. Which means an average of one gold every 5 or 6 years . Then I dont expect to find a gold with my new D2 before at least one or two years ... But sometimes silver is better than gold ...
  8. Or use a detector without screen . I use a Deus1 WS4 Lite since 2013 and now a Deus2 WS6 . The only ( l ( small ) screen I have is on the headphones on my head . I only look at it when I change the detector settings , rarely in the field btw . The rest of the time I only detect by hear ... No need for VDI numbers as everything from low to high conductivity can be a good target over here ...
  9. I doubt he will sell tons of MTCs over here in France , despite all his marketing videos .. The MTC is simply too expensive at 2000€ for the local inland hunters , knowing the current economical situation with the inflation , the increasing heating costs etc .. And knowing that there are many detectors under 1000€ that do the job very well , especially in fields where the targets are close to the surface and dont need ultra high depth performance ..
  10. Right this D2 WS6 Master + 9" coil is a killer ? ; ultra light , excellent "cristalline" SQUARE audio , deeper than the D1 , great separation in the iron trash ... Yes it is magical ? ... We have older coins like Roman coins over here . But for some reason the Carolingian coins are my preferred ones , perhaps because they are the very first coins of the medieval ages .. They definitely have something special , and they are rare ...
  11. Yesterday I decided to go to a field near a small town where I have already been a few times . The soil is sandy and moderately mineralized , it is very easy to dig here I like this area .. I will use always the same settings for the Deus2 , SENSITIVE 5 TONES , SQUARE audio . This is the best mode for my kind of hunting and I am experienced with it now .. First signal and first coin , a Double Tournois from Henri IIII , 1598 ... A good start .. A little corroded but a nice find. A few minutes later , an other old coin , but this one is both worn and damaged . But this is interesting because both coins have been found in a relatively small area and I decide to stay in this area instead of going further in the field like I did the previous times .. As usual I find 1st WW trash , schrappnells , bullets , casings etc ... Detecting over here requires patience because of all this modern trash . Now I have a medium tone clean signal , it takes a little time to locate the target because it is a thin one ... Wow its a silver , a very old silver , a Carolingian coin dating from the 9th century !!! . ?✌️ ? ? Bad luck the coin is damaged and unfortunately breaks when I try to clean it . I am not surprised because these coins ( around 1,5g ) are very thin and fragile . Anyway what a find .. Awesome... I have only found 2 of them during 23 years of detection , this is my 3rd Carolingian coin ??... I like these coins , and it is difficult to imagine that this one has been waiting during 1200 years before bringing back to life ... I will spend one more hour in the field , with more classical finds but nothing as spectacular as this silver coin. Btw I have tried DEEP HC a few minutes but I found it a little too slow for detecting in this field with all this iron trash. A few pics : The field : A double tournois , Henri IIII , 1598 : The broken Carolingian coin : A medieval coin weight : A few neighbours ?: End of the day , time to go back home : The Carolingian coin after cleaning , Denier , Louis 1er Le Pieux , 814-840 , HLUDOVICUSIMP XPISTIANARELIGIO Thanks to my trusty Deus2 WS6 .. ? :
  12. Because a 50cm detection depth for a coin is unrealistic ... This is certainly the reason why they have carefully avoided to indicate the depths in the second video ... ?
  13. Yes a static depth test is not the real world ... btw the targets depth is never indicated in this video , bad luck this is the most important thing .. Then it is impossible to compare their results with others results. Anyway I dont really trust this seller , knowing his continuous obsessive war again XP .. He is not independent and his opinion is biased to say the least ...
  14. For me it is exactly the opposite , the Minelabs sounds are too slow and elongated especially in the irons , ... The D2 square tones are much more accurate and faster on targets . The D2 square audio is exactly what I was expecting from XP and I dont use the PWM audio . btw I use SENSITIVE 5 TONES SQUARE. From my testing I found 5 TONES to be a little deeper than FULL TONES this is why I prefer to use 5 TONES ..
  15. Personally , I am happy with 0.71 ... I have no urgency to migrate to a new version , and I will probably wait a little before migrating to the new version when it is available ...
  16. could you show the entire article with the other modes ? it looks very interesting , thx ...
  17. I agree . By far the mostly used coil in Europe ( or at least in France ) for inland hunting is the 9" coil ( or equivalent 10X8) , just because of this "ocean of iron" . The 11" is rather used in cleaner areas ( forrests etc ) .. Nobody uses bigger coils over here except beach hunters ..
  18. Jumping to conclusions and preorders too ... ?
  19. At 2:50 , Lawrie answers to the depth question : "2 or 3 cms more depth for a target at 30cm depth" . --> This means a 7 to 10% depth improvement . At least Lawrie is honest , there wont be a 50% improvement as implied by the ML marketing hype ... He is an engineer , and an engineer is not a dreamer .. Now lets wait for field tests comparisons because other detectors have deep modes like Deus2 DEEP HC which goes 2 or 3cms deeper than the D2 standard modes .. Curious to see what will be the exact difference between the Mcore and its competitors at the end ...
  20. The same for me , detecting performance plus reliability issues ... It is a pity because its a light and well balanced detector ...
  21. I mostly use SENSITIVE 5 tones + SQUARE . GENERAL is too slow for me it doesnt like iron trash. However GENERAL is a good program to start with the D2 .
  22. Not a pb for me I never use my WS6 in or around water and its probably the same for most of us ...
  23. Sometimes a little tricky . Some settings are on the left , and some others on the right . For example for changing the number of tones you have to use the bottom right button, and for changing to SQUARE the bottom left . I would have preferred everything concening the audio on a single side ... But it is just a matter of getting used to it ... Anyway this Deus2 WS6 MASTER is a great package . Very efficient in the field and fun to use . At a reasonable price . A future best seller to my opinion ...
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