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Everything posted by GotAU?

  1. Looks like you did well, you can always get your money back for the extras.
  2. Beware the $500 brand new Gold Monster and Equinox 800 ads now appearing in on craigslist in several different cities! These are often listed with the same cryptic phone number containing alpha and numeric numbers. It’s a scam to get you to call them so they can get your phone number. What harm is there in giving someone your number? People can sell known good phone numbers to telemarketers, but they can also use them for even more nefarious purposes such as getting phone carriers to transfer a good phone number and account to a new phone for their own use, and to obtain two-step verification codes for credit accounts, etc. So if you are checking ads on craigslist, definitely use their email system and don’t call someone with your number.
  3. SD’s show up on EBay and Craigslist starting at $500 on up. For the amount of money you are talking about, a model such as a GP3500 is a better choice. They range between $1000 to $1700 used , depending on what extras they come with. Gerry has a used one listed on his website right now. http://gerrysdetectors.com/used-metal-detectors/
  4. Wow - $700 https://www.ebay.com/itm/BIGFOOT-and-HOT-FOOT-RARE-search-coil-for-Whites-DFX-and-MXT-metal-detectors-/194941507990?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  5. Someone should show them phrunt’s short pinpointer mod with those Gold Monsters!
  6. Not good, Reese. Glad you were staying safe. A buddy of mine had a situation with a person like that, it was not good. Definitely a lot worse things to worry about than poisonous snakes and furry animals with teeth and claws out there! Nice finds, thanks for sharing your adventures!
  7. Anyone planning on driving through Death Valley may want to bring a few extra gallons of their own fuel to save some money, current Furnace Creek fuel prices are probably the highest in the entire nation right now…
  8. I did make a plywood platform with a single wide slideout shelf underneath in my truckbed, that plus the black carpet I put on top makes it look like an empty truckbed. Its great for keeping my shovels, picks and recovery gear on one side, my spare fuel tank on the other, and my refrigerator and other gear in the center on the shelf. It fits everything underneath for daytrips, problem is for multiple-day camping trips, I have a lot of stuff and have to keep the detectors and backpacks on top of the platform, making them more visible.
  9. This looks like a great idea. How did you insert (sew) the pockets, or were they more like dividers? I can see sewing upwards from the foot up towards the top to make a divider, what did you do?
  10. For those who use bags to keep your detectors, extra coils, and accessories safer and together during transport, do you use one other than the specialized manufacturer bags with logos on them? After buying a couple of the expensive ones for other detectors I’ve owned, I am starting to think about how to save some dough plus make them less attractive for thieves looking in my truck windows. One idea is to sew one out of an old blanket or coveralls (my wife makes rock bags out of old geans, they’re awesome). Anyone else have a tip they use for an inexpensive and less attractive one?
  11. Thought of the same, besides a record of evidence, a body cam can also be a convenient documentary maker- Reese, your writing style and adventures would make another great book and perhaps a documentary. Good luck to you, enjoying the updates!
  12. Good point, I wouldn’t post files that other people made, just my own. Thingverse.com is actually a site where people can download and use printer files for personal use legally as the owners of the files made them public domain. Some ask for a small donation and thers are free.
  13. Thingverse has files for them if you have access to a 3D printer.
  14. It must’ve been a bit scary driving down what looks like a solid road and having that open up underneath you. I apologize, meant the photo just in joking, you are right, I’ve never been there but would love to. The closest Ive been to that area was SE Oregon and then down through Black Rock, sure is a nice country out there! I am hoping on going to that region for an extended trip soon, maybe if you are around I will check in- appreciate the invite and if you’re ever in So Cal desert, same invite goes for you! Will PM you my contact. Thanks! ? -Anthony
  15. This story is a great lesson! Lots of holes out there- the worse are daylighted winzes with no signs of tailings or a dump nearby. Quite a few people have fallen in those not knowing there’s a mine opening. Two guys in a Samurai went down one one year and one of them survived until he made a signal fire for help with one of the tires and got carbon monoxide poisoning. Glad you got the truck out safely! - beautiful country by the way, must’ve been a memorable trip!
  16. Stopes under roads, ugh. Lots of those in parts of Death Valley. Scary stuff! Could you tell if the shoring in there was hand hewn, often of cedar logs?
  17. “What brand of detector would you need to find this?” A gold spear can definitely find it. Turn it on, walk towards it, trip over it, and then you found it! ?
  18. Clay, I did not know that. What constitutes “sovereign land?” and was it set that way to protect the water resource from commercial dredging? Edit: I found a good reference- it’s helpful in explaining Az land use regulations: https://land.az.gov/faq
  19. I haven’t been there for a long time either I’m just guessing based on how low the rest of the river is. Also didn’t know about the regulations on detecting there, people will have to check for themselves to be sure.
  20. That’s a great idea- lake is low enough now that a lot of shorelines are opened up! I once found a 18k heavy bracket on a drained lake bottom when I was a kid with a toy detector- I have not found that much gold since!?
  21. “Good stuff” meaning historic? He could probably keep more modern finds- usually means less than 50 years old. Dang, Im a relic now!
  22. Looking forward to seeing that part of Az myself, have a great time!
  23. Ah don’t worry about it, certainly wasn’t your intent. Here’s a great article you might want to read when you have time: http://nuggetshooter.com/gold-along-the-colorado-river.html
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