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Everything posted by 1515Art

  1. A lot of time with cell phones anyways the USB connector is actually fine they just tend to collect pocket lint and it blocks the connection, a sewing needle reaches in and you can pull out a surprising amount of pocket lint, then they work again.
  2. You are probably correct in the conditions it was found in, but the location’s probably not California or even in the United States, but who knows? I’m pretty sure we were in China at some friends Jade carving studio I just don’t remember what studio it was or even what city we were in, but I’m sure it was a gift. The reason I was asking it would not be out of the question for it to something unusual and I wanted to be sure it wasn’t a fossilized bone from the Gobi Desert or something like that, since I had no idea what the heck it was, lol.
  3. Oh, cool… will it zoom in close enough marking trails to show coverage the 7000’s did seem only OK with the little square blocks it dropped on the detectors small low resolution screen?
  4. I actually liked using it sometimes and it was helpful keeping my wandering in check giving me better ground coverage staying in one place, it was really handy twice up in the high sierra one time allowing me to retrace my steps in a heavily forested area finding my prospecting pick after hitting my next target some distance from where I’d dropped it off my belt holder when it snagged on brush and another time when I wasn’t planning on detecting far from my Jeep in heavy Forrest so my GPS was not on me and I’d walked a little farther than planned and got turned around in the trees, I followed the 7000’s gps back to the Jeep, although it was not as easy as using something made for navigation. I’d actually be a customer for a small stand alone device or phone application better designed (Minelab hint, hint) for gridding while detecting with better resolution and maps.
  5. There is no doubt for my use the 10x5 is a great addition to my arsenal of coils on the 6000 it’s small size gets it closer to the ground in tight places, it has outstanding edge sensitivity and target recovery is easier and faster than the stock coils or 17” coil without giving up much if anything in depth. It may also have a slight edge over the other mono coils handling EMI, but my 11” runs excellent so for me the difference is minimal in that regard also the shielding on my 6000’s control box is effective I see no difference carrying my cell phone or anything else in any pocket, I carry my phone in my front jeans pocket same side as I detect there is no noticeable interference. My only complaint is no fault of the coil, it’s the tendency to twist more while detecting bumping rocks and bushes and while shoving it under bushes the longer thinner shape acting as a lever against the 6000’s thin round shaft while at the same time making it a little bit more difficult to align just holding it to the ground to straightening it out. With the shaft as tight as I can get, it most time needs my foot against the coil to get that done, the round 11” shape is less a lever and not affected as much and returns to center a bit easier.
  6. Thanks Simon, I’m not sure any coil I’d have had or detector would have faired well out in Arizona this last trip the storm conditions were as bad as it could get my Friday cut short as thunder and lightning overhead made me beat a hasty retreat back to my Jeep lest my pick would turn me into a lightning rod. It was the time to head out anyway as I passed a small flood of water building quickly in the culvert in my direction had the makings to shut down the main paved route out.
  7. I see some great results from this little coil, I fully expected to find a piece here and there and I’m not sure why then I didn’t? It may have been the thunderstorms, limited detecting time due to the heat, the fact most of these (all) the spots I was on have had just about every detector and coil over them countless time by detectors for the last 50 years including by me with the 7000’s 14” and nugget finder 12” and then the 6000 with its assortment of minelab coils? My 11” coil is one of the good ones on a good day with clear skies it runs reasonably smooth enough I can pick target signals from the steady chatter the two videos are typical of how my 11” coil sounds off on fair weather days it was more susceptible to the EMI during the thunder than the 10x5 and most of my spots hunted the smaller 10x5 was not really an advantage the 11” mono or 12” nugget finder can get into just as easily. I’m curious in the two short clips I posted for those running the 10x5 is the stability in threshold similar to what others experienced?
  8. This I think after spending time searching for a target and the signal disappeared was just a wet pocket of ground?
  9. I gave it 3 hours today unlike your success Simon, I’m still waiting on my first bit of gold with the new coil, today I ran the little 10x5 and the 17” coil this new coil handled the EMI much better than the big Minelab although the 17 was useable it false signaled frequently the new coil performed with only a few small EMI peeps here and there. It was toward the end of my day and after putting the 17” on the thunder had just started overhead. The little coil indeed weighs less than the 11” it’s a good 80g less by my scale it just all compacted in a smaller package.
  10. Simon, great review and nice hunting, my little 5x10 was delivered on Tuesday so I headed out to Gold Basin Arizona, despite the heat and thunder storms… and flash flood warnings! I started out early Wednesday around 6 in the morning the air was comfortable for about a hour, but the EMI was constant triggering the 6000 every couple seconds I was getting tired quickly swinging multiple times in the same spot trying to find repeatable signals in the oppressive humid heat, the bottom of the washes were the worst with the breeze blocked. I tried the 11” and 17” mono coils and the result was the same giving in I put the 14” DD on and it ran good enough I could put up with the EMI, but I don’t like the way that coil feels on the end of the detector shaft so after about two hours retreated to air conditioning until late afternoon when the suns rays were a little less brutal. Total for Wednesday trash similar to yours. Today was a bit cooled the EMI greatly reduced, I had the 11” on the 6000 and started with it to compare it with the 10x5 and tested with a 1g nugget shoved down a critter hole, both the 11 and 10x5 had similar depth and both handled the EMI and helicopters equally well, the biggest difference was the 10x5 is very sensitive around the edges this is great for meteorites typically shallow larger targets the little coil hit them hard making up for it’s smaller size poking around bushes. Detecting around old tin and aluminum beer cans picking them up from several feet, I think more than when using the Gpz, the coil looks thicker than the other 6000’s coils I guess to accommodate the windings fitting into the smaller footprint it feels like the coil signal transmits in almost a modified hemisphere, pinpointing small targets out to the edge of the coil. it was slightly heavier than I thought it would be, it felt a bit heavier than the stock 11” although I have not weighed them it may be they a the same weight just the smaller size making it feel that way. For some reason it likes to twist more detecting in tight places on the 6000 skinny round carbon fiber rod I was using my foot frequently to take a twist out a little bothersome. 6 meteorites but no gold yet perhaps tomorrow, all in all this is a nice addition to the GPX6000.
  11. Guy in northern Nevada not far from mill city camped out on old gold workings, peg leg John was sitting in jail may still be for pointing a rifle and firing off a couple warning shots one night to scare off a couple guys stealing his stuff and terrorizing him, he’s handicapped uses a crutch to help walk with one foot and a his peg, he’s old and well he was scared. They reported him and… things didn’t go his way and that not even California.
  12. No disrespect to the ferrite, my post was tung in cheek more about why we do things. Really good to know the in-depth reasons behind why they are essential in many situations and you’re the best to shed light on something many of us were confused on. As always I’m profoundly honored and appreciate anytime you share your knowledge without it there would be a giant hole that would be tough to fill… and we hate open holes, lol. thank you for taking time out of you busy schedule, when you could be filling your poke.
  13. Steve, thank you appreciate the offer, I’m no longer a 7000 owner this thread was more for the buyer of my 7000, I sent him one of docs and he on his own bought one I’m not sure what one he ordered? But thank you
  14. Thank you JP, the definitive answer from the guy most closely associated with the facts. I found the para cord wrap all the way around incasing the ring made it impervious to breaking from carelessly throwing it down (my first unwrapped suffered my abuse) but no amount of wrap was sufficient for my senior moments… you still need to pick it up. microphone drop…
  15. My experience in the one time I participated in removing 6” to a foot of soil from known patches hit dozens of targets… unfortunately all a byproduct of the equipments blade and bucket, lol. Words of wisdom from our benefactor. Are there areas if you have desert property you would concentrate search effort in the terrain more likely to hold deeper gold?
  16. Well, I think I’m lucky then my 11” coil is not excessively noisy and I had a bad 17” that really was unusable. The 17 was fine the first or second time I used it then developed stability problems and extreme touch sensitive so I have some comparison to go by it sounded with anything it lightly touched. It exhibited its nasty ways as soon as the repair center tested it and was replaced very quickly, the customer service center was excellent in my case and I had my new coil in just a few days. Someday I may grow to like the 12DD but I have not needed it for where it is best suited making it the heavier coil I’m not that fond of.
  17. Simon, I ordered the 10x5 yesterday and should have it in a couple days, I talked to Rob yesterday and he was planning to test the 10x5 today in some monsoon impacted washes so I’d expect to see something from him soon, and I’ve yet to see a bad youtube report for all the concern it would be unstable packing all the windings in such a small space it seems it is not a problem, I but I doubt I’m adding anything you are on top of this much more than me.
  18. Sorry if I’m restating a view previously expressed, not my intention… I picked back up on a thought from last night that needed more time in the oven before it was ready to slice and serve, only skimming new entries.
  19. At the risk of demonstrating just how little I know and understand any of this discussion l believe that it would be possible to build a detector capable of seeing and interpreting accurately signatures from an unknown object and identify through this a gold nugget or any other object, but I suspect not by doing the same thing as we do now gathering data in the same way we always have. A larger database of more of the same information is constrained by its own limitations, much like determining an objects color from looking at a variety of black and white photographs at different angels and different resolution it can tell you only so much the color always a guess interpolating an answer from incomplete information. The current state of the art technology is well exploited, refined and developed advances are baby steps bringing improvement fine tuning information the same way it’s always done even GZP is a signal timing differences not that different from PI I suspect just processed slightly different. We will need to add something new to the game, we have one finger now pointing at the ground, VLF, PI and GPZ our black and white images from these technologies all see objects but due to the variety in objects their relative location in the ground the state they are in even within the same element cause so much overlap the best we can do is guess. New led old led, bits of led snow flake after snow flake all looking similar all different. The technology works amazingly at what it does just separating an object out from a huge volume of surrounding noise but something more we’ll need like looking with multi frequency only the frequency will need to gather clues from a different perspective that adds significantly different information? OK, I have no idea of what I’m talking about and I’ll leave this to you smart guys to figure out, but I’m sure glad someone invented metal detectors.
  20. Gold and silver have rebounded a little that’s nice to see, gold looks like it hit the floor at around 1700 and at 1775 heading into the weekend.
  21. I and scores of detector users await your success, as pointed out the challenges are many the variables countless, just the gold alone returns different signatures depending on size, orientation, composition, density, surrounding minerals and trash, oxidation… the list goes on and on. But if you could pull it off the line to you’re door would be very long, and why large companies like Minelab invest millions of dollars and thousands of hours on research seeking the answers to those questions as we await the next new thing. Best of luck, for sure.
  22. The 7000, I though I’d never sell it, fantastic detector. For me it was a choice between ergonomics having both the gpz7000 and the gpx6000 both great detectors I was using the 6000 most of the time and when I’d grab the 7000 it wasn’t bringing a lot of difference. This release of the Axiom brings a couple things that I always wanted a more steady threshold and iron check, will the Axiom hit deeper than the 7000 I don’t care, but probably not. It seems all detectors have certain targets they struggle with and my aim is to play on the strength of the Axiom and those of the 6000 and cover the same ground in a different ear. The 6000 and 7000 both hit targets in similar ways, different but similar…the Axiom by all early reports by those I have no reason to doubt brings a different tool to the game, not necessarily better just different.
  23. I couldn’t agree more… so, I’ll just say, yep.
  24. Rob, thanks I felt the same about it as you and really appreciate your opinion the subject came up and I wonder what other opinions were, some of this because of the nature of what we do it feels like just being a good citizen and having good karma on they way to the gold fields can improve your luck. Having a good attitude makes a difference too.
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